While the process for completing a dealing has not changed, you will find differences in the look and feel, navigation and functionality of New Landonline.
All dealings created in New Landonline are fully actionable in Legacy Landonline. However, dealings created in Legacy Landonline will only be functional in New Landonline if we've developed the functions you're expecting to use.
You can still open a dealing with unsupported instruments, but you cannot add or edit the instruments.
Logging into Landonline
When you log in to:
- Legacy Landonline – use your digital certificate to verify yourself and then your Workspace page displays with an expandable work tree.
- New Landonline – use multi-factor authentication to verify yourself and then your Landing page displays with a My Dealings view and Firm Dealings view.
Selecting your firm
In Legacy Landonline you can select a firm from the drop-down list of associated firms when you log in.
New Landonline defaults to the firm you last logged in under. You can change your firm to a different one on your Landing page.
You can’t switch firms while in a dealing, so check you have selected the correct firm before creating a new dealing.
Navigating through a dealing
In Legacy Landonline you can navigate through a dealing by using the workflow buttons at the bottom of the Create Dealing page. For example, A & I, Pre-validate, and Certify & Sign.
In New Landonline navigate through a dealing by using the left-hand navigation panel. The step you’re in is highlighted and blue.
Creating a dealing
Adding affected titles
In Legacy Landonline affected titles automatically add to each additional instrument added to a dealing.
In New Landonline you use the Add affected titles icon, with horizontal bars and a plus sign, to add all previous affected titles to additional instruments.
Mortgage roles
Legacy Landonline defaults to single role, which covers both the Mortgagor and Mortgagee. If the dealing is then opened in Landonline, the mortgage will continue to display as single role.
In New Landonline there is no single role option, so enter the representatives for the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee. We’ve introduced some pre-population to assist, since in most cases it will be the same primary contact and conveyancing professional.
Default PC and CP roles
In Legacy Landonline check the Add default PCs and CPs box is selected before adding the first instrument.
In New Landonline use the people icon at the end of each instrument role to populate your default roles. Select these preferences in Legacy Landonline.
Dealing number allocation
In Legacy Landonline the dealing number is allocated when you open the Create Dealing page.
In New Landonline the dealing number is allocated when your dealing is saved for the first time.
In Legacy Landonline a separate window appears to confirm a successful pre-validation. A message also appears in the bottom-left corner of the Create Dealing and Prepare pages.
In New Landonline a green tick icon displays confirming successful pre-validation. Within an instrument’s Prepare instrument page the Pre-validation tab will include a green tick icon to confirm successful pre-validation.
Pre-validation report
In Legacy Landonline a pre-validation report generates a printable report. A message displays in the bottom-left corner of the Create Dealing and Prepare pages.
In New Landonline at the dealing level, pre-validation warnings and errors are listed by instrument. The pre-validation tab will show warnings or failures on the Prepare instrument page.
Viewing dealing fees
In Legacy Landonline the fees page is accessed within a dealing from the window toolbar: Dealing > Fees.
In New Landonline the fees page is accessed within a dealing by selecting Fees from the dealing navigation bar.
Preparing and previewing instruments
Opening the Prepare page
In Legacy Landonline, to open the Prepare page you select Prepare in the Create Dealing page.
In New Landonline there are 3 ways to open the Prepare instrument page:
- If the instrument information is collapsed, use the hyperlink to open the Prepare instrument page.
- If the instrument information is expanded, select Prepare.
- Use the menu icon that looks like 3 dots at the end of an instrument’s row and select Prepare instrument.
Table: New naming conventions
Some naming conventions have been updated when preparing instruments in New Landonline.
Instrument impacted | Legacy Landonline | New Landonline |
Transfer | All of Title mode | Simple mode |
Transfer | Share/Interest and Part of Land/Complex modes | Complex mode |
Transfer and Mortgage | Lease/Mortgage/Other mode | Instrument mode |
Mortgage | Part of Land/Complex | Complex mode |
Transmission | Alll of Title, Share/Interest and Complex Exception modes | Title mode |
All applicable instruments | Restore | Revert/Update |
Transfer modes
In Legacy Landonline there are 4 modes for preparing a transfer:
- All of Title
- Share/Interest
- Part of Land/Complex
- Lease/Mortgage/Other.
In New Landonline there are 3 modes for preparing a transfer:
- Simple mode - for a full transfer of ownership.
- Complex mode - a merge of Share/Interest and Part of Land/Complex modes. This mode is used to transfer as to a share/interest in the title(s) when dealing with only part of the land, adding text or an image, and for third party transferors.
- Instrument mode - this mode is Lease/Mortgage/Other mode in Legacy Landonline. This mode is used to transfer ownership of 1 or more mortgages, encumbrances, leases or other types of instrument.
Preparing transfers
In New Landonline, when only transferring as to a share/interest, the remainder share is calculated for the transferor, based on the entered share being transferred.
In Legacy Landonline there are Display Transferor, Display Transferee and Display Resulting Ownership buttons.
In New Landonline, the Summary:
- automatically updates with the transferor and transferee details, with resulting ownership displaying upon save
- includes a pie chart to visually represent the resulting shares and/or interests for each transferee.
In Legacy Landonline there are 3 sub-modes for the Lease/Mortgage/Other mode:
- Lease
- Mortgage/Encumbrance
- Other.
In New Landonline these sub-modes have been removed. The Instrument mode has been simplified to include the details for all 3 sub-modes onto one page.
In Legacy Landonline, select the Lease sub-mode to mortgage a lease.
In New Landonline, manually enter the lease number into the Instrument number field.
In Legacy Landonline there are 4 modes for transmissions:
- All of Title - used to prepare a transmission affecting 1 registered owner of joint tenants on all affected titles.
- Share/Interest - used to prepare a transmission requiring additional information such as clarifying the intent of the transmission or adding an image.
- Complex/Exception - used to prepare a transmission requiring additional information such as clarifying the intent of the transmission or adding an image.
- Lease/Mortgage/Other - used to prepare a transmission of a lessee, mortgagee, encumbrances or other type of interest.
In New Landonline, All of Title, Share/Interest and Complex/Exception modes have been combined into 1 mode called Title mode.
Prepare instruments in New Landonline
Image only instruments and attaching images
In New Landonline you can only attach PDFS up to 10 MB in size. The combined limit for attachments is 20 MB.
In Legacy Landonline you can attach TIFs with a combined file size of 30 MB.
Previewing instruments
In Legacy Landonline you select Preview to view an instrument’s preview.
In New Landonline a Summary tab displays within the Prepare instrument page. This tab automatically updates as the instrument updates.
To preview the full instrument select Preview instrument in the Summary tab.
Editing A & I forms
In Legacy Landonline you can edit the print preview.
In New Landonline you can export PDF, editable *rtf or editable *Word files.
Tax forms
Look and feel
In Legacy Landonline the content is based on the 2017 Tax Statement format but look and feel is dated.
In New Landonline the content is based on the 2017 Tax Statement format, with a more intuitive and responsive user interface.
In Legacy Landonline there is the full form only.
In New Landonline there is a full form and new condensed one-page short form (data limits apply).
Validations and tax forms
In Legacy Landonline validations run every time a tax form is saved. Failures will pop-up in a new screen.
In New Landonline select the Check form button to run validations. If all validations pass, the form is automatically set to Complete. If the validations fail, errors will appear on the form.
Numbering on tax forms
In Legacy Landonline the existing numbering remains.
In New Landonline there is new numbering.
Print blank tax statements
For Legacy Landonline the blank form, found on www.linz.govt.nz, includes guidance notes in the same attachment.
For New Landonline the blank form, found on www.linz.govt.nz, includes separate guidance notes, not in the attachment.
Preparing a Notice of Change of Ownership (NoC)
Instrument types that require a Notice of Change form to be completed
In Legacy Landonline, the Notice of Change form provided by Landonline is available for 6 instrument types.
In New Landonline, the Notice of Change form provided by Landonline is available for 70 instrument types.
Opening a Notice of Change form when completing a dealing
In Legacy Landonline, you can select Add NoC at the bottom of the relevant Prepare instrument page.
In New Landonline, there are 3 different ways to open the Notice of Change for relevant instruments. You can:
- select the NoC icon in the left-hand dealing navigation bar
- select the Notice of Change at the bottom of the Prepare instrument page
- select Notice of Change from the menu icon next to the dealing on your Landing page, or the menu icon next to the instrument in the Instrument and Roles section of your dealing.
Submitting a correction to a Notice of Change
In Legacy Landonline, you cannot correct a Notice of Change after it has been submitted to a territorial authority.
In New Landonline, you can correct a Notice of Change after it has been submitted to the territorial authority.
You don’t edit the original Notice of Change. Instead, a new Notice of Change is created with the existing information and allocated a new Notice ID. by duplicating the information from the previously submitted version.
This form is marked as a ‘Correction to a Notice of Change’.
Preparing a new Notice of Change after the dealing has been registered
In Legacy Landonline, you cannot prepare and submit a new Notice of Change to a territorial authority after the dealing has been registered.
In New Landonline, you can prepare and submit a new Notice of Change after the dealing has been registered.
Certify and sign
Instrument and certification display
In Legacy Landonline each of the instruments and certifications appear in separate tabs in the Certify & Sign page.
In New Landonline all instruments appear as clickable cards. Once an instrument card is selected, a slide out panel will appear which contains the instrument preview and certifications.
Mortgage roles
In Legacy Landonline mortgage roles default to single role, and certifications cover both the Mortgagor and Mortgagee.
In New Landonline mortgage roles default to multi-role, and certifications are separated in respect of the Mortgagor and Mortgagee.
Connecting your digital certificate
In Legacy Landonline, before entering your passphrase you need to locate your digital certificate if it’s not stored in the default C/: LINZ Certificates folder.
In New Landonline, you must choose and link your Digital Certificate (DC) from your device to Landonline to certify and sign a dealing. This is only applicable the first time you sign a dealing and every time you renew your DC.
Submit a dealing
Post-registration search fees do not apply in Legacy Landonline.
In New Landonline, when submitting your dealing a summary of Indicative search fees can be viewed as a part of the total dealing fees your firm is responsible for.