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  • Application to bring Deeds Land under the Land Transfer Act by Adverse Occupier

    Information about bringing Deeds land under the Land Transfer Act 2017 (LTA) under section 172 (1)(b) of the LTA. These applications can be made by the documentary owner but also by a person in adverse possession to the documentary owner.
    • Land registration
  • Water boundary changes

    Information about applying for a water boundary change resulting from accretion or erosion, and applying to bring dry river or stream bed under the Land Transfer Act 2017.
    • Land registration
  • Consent notices

    This article contains information about how consent notices should be lodged.
    • Land registration
  • ‘Parcels without survey information’ type CSDs - Survey Sheets

    This article contains information on Survey Sheets on a ‘Parcels without survey information’ type CSD.
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • Linking multiple parcels

    When linking a large number of parcels, Landonline redraws all layers turned on each time you link.
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • Combining and splitting diagrams - Plan Generation

    This article contains information on Plan Generation – splitting and combining diagrams.
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • Māori land transactions - common compliance issues

    The Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 (the Act) puts a number of responsibilities on practitioners acting in land transactions that change the ownership status of Māori land. The Act gives the Māori Land Court jurisdiction to determine by status order the…
    • Land registration
    • Māori and iwi
  • Pre-validation for dealings and instruments

    When you pre-validate an instrument, Landonline checks that the content of the instrument is correct. To pre-validate an instrument, you must be a Primary Contact (PC) or Conveyancing Professional (CP) for the instrument or be in the same firm and have…
    • Landonline
    • Land registration
  • Creating, surrendering, varying and removing easements

    On this page you will learn more about how to register, surrender, vary or remove easements under the Land Transfer Act 2017.
    • Land registration
  • Mortgagee's authorisation and instruction to lodge new mortgages for registration

    The landowner-mortgagor's lawyer or conveyancer often certifies a new mortgage on behalf of the mortgagee as well as the mortgagor, or a discharge of an existing mortgage on behalf of the mortgagee.
    • Land registration
  • Fixed Sum Mortgages

    Fixed sum mortgages are a template instrument and will register automatically. This is so even if detailed information is inserted in the fixed sum field.
    • Land registration
  • Road frontages - notices under section 93 of the Transit New Zealand Act 1989

    Road frontages - notices under section 93 of the Transit New Zealand Act 1989
    • Land registration
  • Registrar's caveats and freezing orders

    The Registrar can enter caveats in certain circumstances to prevent fraud or improper dealing (including to support orders made by the Courts to freeze assets).
    • Land registration
  • Mortgages and Redevelopments

    What constitutes a redevelopment under the Unit Titles Act 2010 (the Act) is set out in section 8 of the Act.
    • Land registration
  • Transmission to an Administrator

    When registering a Transmission to a personal representative upon the death of a registered landowner, it is important to ensure the capacity of the person acquiring title is correctly shown.
    • Land registration
  • Partial discharges of mortgages for boundary adjustments

    Important information for creating a partial discharge of mortgage (or encumbrance etc) in the context of a boundary adjustment dealing.
    • Land registration
  • Instruments that require mortgagee or encumbrancee consent

    Where land subject to a mortgage or encumbrance is being dealt with, it may be necessary to obtain the consent of the mortgagee or encumbrancee.
    • Land registration
  • Transfer to executor is not permissible

    Conveyancing practitioners regularly ask how to modify electronic transfer instruments to record that the transferee is acquiring title as an executor.
    • Land registration
  • Compliance requirements for mortgage authorities received via SOLD and propel-lc

    Practitioners are reminded to retain ANZ’s covering email when receiving instructions for mortgage discharge authorities via their SOLD service.
    • Land registration
  • Capture – irregular boundaries

    This article contains information about the capture of Irregular Boundaries.
    • Survey
  • Improving Landonline speed

    You can improve the speed and performance of Landonline in a number of ways.
    • Landonline
  • Changing or correcting names

    Information about changing or correcting a person’s name recorded in the register.
    • Land registration
  • LINZ cannot deposit plans with lapsed section 223 approvals

    A Territorial Authority (TA) cannot extend the time limit for the Registrar-General of Land to deposit a subdivision plan.
    • Land registration
  • How to merge, consolidate or close a Landonline account

    Account mergers, consolidations and closures require letters of instruction before they can be processed. Allow 5 working days for processing.
    • Landonline
  • Redundant Easement Applications and Forestry Rights

    A Forestry Rights Agreement under the Forestry Rights Registration Act 1983 (under the instrument code of AG) can be the subject of an application to extinguish an easement under s 113, 114 or 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017 (instrument code is EE).
    • Land registration
  • Resetting Landonline window positions

    There are times when certain windows in Landonline disappear from view.
    • Landonline
  • Landonline password guidelines

    Passwords are critical to the overall integrity and security of Landonline.
    • Landonline
  • Keeping your computer environment safe

    It is imperative that security around Landonline is maintained to protect the integrity of survey and title records.
    • Landonline
  • RGL rulings - Application of section 226A Resource Management Act 1991

    Section 226A of the Resource Management Act 1991 provides an exemption in respect of the renewal of existing cross or company leases.
    • Land registration
  • Using pending approval parcels data

    Find out about our pending approval parcels data and who can access it.
    • Data
  • WFS filter methods and parameters

    An introduction to some of the parameters you can add to your Web Feature Services (WFS) request to filter data , filter methods, and the tools to run them.
    • Data
  • How to use the Changeset generator

    A step-by-step guide to exporting a changeset from the LINZ Data Service.
    • Data