Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.

Privacy policy for the Geodetic Marks app

As a New Zealand government agency, Toitū Te Whenua is subject to the Privacy Act 2020. This page outlines the type and extent of information that we may gather when you interact with the LINZ Geodetic Marks application and what the information may be used for.

Using the app

  • Toitū Te Whenua does not record any personal information when you use the LINZ Geodetic Marks application (the app) unless you specifically choose to provide feedback. In this case the name, email address and the feedback content you supply will be recorded.
  • Your email address will not be made publicly available, but the supplied name will appear in the app and in the Geodetic Database when feedback includes general comments or photographs. 
  • Any submitted feedback, particularly general comments or photographs, may be posted in the app and in the Geodetic Database for users of these services to view. 
  • The IP address will be recorded automatically, but is not used to personally identify specific individuals. 
  • The app may access your email account for the sole purpose of enabling you to send an email to Toitū Te Whenua if you select this option. 
  • The app may access your camera for the sole purpose of enabling you to take and submit photos to Toitū Te Whenua if you select this option. 
  • The app will access details of your location to enable its mapping and navigation features. This location information is not passed to or recorded by Toitū Te Whenua.

Geodetic Database

Communications with Toitū Te Whenua

When users communicate with Toitū Te Whenua, including through email or the feedback form on the app, Toitū Te Whenua reserves the right to:

  • use the information for the purpose it was supplied
  • use the information provided about survey marks to update our databases, such as Landonline and the Geodetic Database, so the provided mark information can be shared with other customers
  • share the information with other government agencies that are entitled to the information under legislation.

Geodetic mark data

Security of collected information

  • No personal information collected by the app will be disclosed to other users of the app or other systems, aside from your supplied name and feedback. 
  • In some circumstances, Toitū Te Whenua may be required under legislation to share information with other government agencies. 

Privacy of collected information

Personal information provided by you to Toitū Te Whenua through our app will be stored, used, retained and shared in accordance with our purposes for collecting it, at your direction and authorisation, or in compliance with any legislation.

You have the right under the Privacy Act 2020 to obtain access to and to request correction of the personal information Toitū Te Whenua holds about you.

We can delete the following information about you upon request:

  • Any submitted feedback and associated data supplied with feedback like the supplied name, photos, and email address.
  • Any emails sent as feedback.

If you would like us to delete this information, email or phone 04 460 0110.

Questions about privacy

If you have any questions or concerns about the privacy information provided here, contact:

Privacy Officer
Toitū Te Whenua
PO Box 5501
Wellington 6145
New Zealand