If you are aware of other relevant scholarship options missing from the list then please email growgisnz@linz.govt.nz so we can add them.
Note: you will need to read the criteria for each scholarship option to determine its applicability to your own situation and your eligibility.
- Auckland University of Technology scholarships
- Toitū Te Whenua tertiary GIS scholarships
- Lincoln University scholarships
- Massey University scholarships
- Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships for International Tertiary Students
- Southern Institute of Technology scholarships
- StudySpy
- Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi scholarships
- Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology scholarships
- Toitū Kaupapa Māori Mātauranga Māori Education Trust
- Toloa Pacific tertiary scholarships
- Unitec scholarships
- University of Auckland scholarships
- University of Canterbury scholarships
- University of Otago scholarships
- University of Waikato scholarships
- Victoria University of Wellington scholarships