Attention Dealings users
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As of 24 September Certify & Sign, Release and Submit (CSRS) functionality is switched off in Legacy Landonline

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Edit client details

How to add, edit or remove clients on the A & I page of a dealing.

In most cases, changes to client details should be made in the dealing itself. However, it is possible to add, edit or remove clients on the A & I page. These changes will not update the dealing. 

The A & I page doesn’t currently have a save function, so if required you should export and save a version of the form to your computer for later updates. 

A form can be exported in editable *rtf and *Word formats, as well as PDF format. 

Uncheck any of the options (clients, base documents, or instruments) to exclude them from an A & I.

Step 1: Confirm the risk

Confirm whether or not the transaction is high risk.

The default option is No.

The 'Is the transaction high risk?' field on the Prepare Authority and Instruction form screen

Step 2: Select clients to include in the A & I

Select which clients you want included in the A & I.

Check the box next to a client's name to select the client to be included. 

You can also uncheck clients. For example if you want to generate separate forms for some or all of your clients, or if there are names on the list that shouldn’t display on the A & I form.

Changes will appear on the A & I form but won’t be updated in the dealing. 

A and I form select clients

Step 3: Edit existing or add more clients

If needed edit existing clients or add more clients.

Use the Add Client button to add more clients or click the X at the end of a row to remove a client.

Select the client type for each client, as needed. Choose from Private Individual, Private Corporate or Public Corporate.

The client type determines which A & I form is required.  

A and I form select client type
Last updated