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Place naming
Last updated

What was proposed?

The proposal was to alter the official place name Clive River to Te Awa o Mokotūāraro for the river that flows from Pakowhai Road Bridge northeast of Hastings to join the mouth of Ngaruroro River, which flows into Hawke Bay.

See the outcome of this proposal


Media release 7 June 2023Te Awa o Mokotūāraro name confirmed for Hawke’s Bay river


The Board considered this proposal report at its hui on 2 December 2022. The proposal was notified for one month so that the public could make submissions supporting or objecting to the name.

Pou Taunaha considered this submissions report at its hui on 26 April 2023. Because Pou Taunaha didn’t agree with the objecting submissions, it requested the Minister for Land Information to make the final determination.

Location of Te Awa o Mokotūāraro

Map showing the location of Te Awa o Mokotūāraro


Now official

Clive River was altered to the official place name Te Awa o Mokotūāraro.

Published in the New Zealand Gazette on 7 June 2023.