Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.


Have your say

We are seeking feedback on a new compliance strategy for the survey and title systems.

Read the request for feedback:

Read the draft compliance strategy for full details:

Feedback is welcome by 1 December 2023.


The survey and title systems are the core components of New Zealand’s property rights system. They establish and maintain the integrity of title to estates and other interests in land.

  • The survey system sets out the rules on how the boundaries of land parcels are to be determined and recorded in the cadastre.
  • The title system establishes the official register of land ownership and sets out the rules governing transfers of ownership, and protects other interests in land such as mortgages and easements.

More information on the property rights system is available at Property rights system.

Well-functioning survey and title systems provide security of title. Secure property rights underpin the modern economy, creating incentives for investment in land that contribute to economic growth and prosperity. Compliance with the rules and standards is essential to maintaining a well-functioning property rights regime.

The new Survey & Title Compliance Strategy will describe the shifts we intend to make in delivering compliance outcomes over the period 2023-2027. It sets out the principles that will guide our compliance work, and how we will prioritise our compliance toolkit to support stakeholders and improve system outcomes.