6228 results

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  • Investing on behalf of an overseas person

    Find out about the need to apply for consent if you are a New Zealand citizen or are ordinarily resident in New Zealand, and are investing on behalf of an overseas person. These rules are called the ‘associate provisions’.
    • Overseas investment
  • Privacy, confidentiality, and sharing of information

    What information may be shared or publicly released, and what information may be withheld by the Overseas Investment Office.
    • Overseas investment
  • New Zealand offshore islands maps

    Download free maps as image files (TIFF and GeoTIFF formats) for New Zealand's offshore islands including the Kermadec and Auckland islands.
    • Topography
  • Cause and nature of tides

    Find out about what causes tides and how they vary depending on time and location.
    • Marine information
  • About Notices to Mariners

    LINZ publishes Annual New Zealand Notices to Mariners and fortnightly New Zealand Notices to Mariners (NTMs).
    • Marine information
  • Geodetic standards, specifications and resources

    Read and download specifications, standards, guidelines, and published documents. These resources are useful for students, researchers, geodetic service contractors and professionals who use New Zealand's geodetic network.
    • Geodetic
  • SNAP and CONCORD downloads

    Information about the SNAP software suite, and how to download and install the SNAP and CONCORD programs.
    • Geodetic
  • National Reference Frame

    The NRF provides the connection between national geodetic and vertical datums, and international reference systems.
    • Geodetic
  • Cadastral Vertical Control Network

    The CVN provides the street-level control marks that are used by surveyors to connect cadastral surveys to the official vertical datum (NZVD2016).
    • Geodetic
  • Survey Control Networks

    New Zealand’s survey control system comprises physical control marks and information about them to enable the coordinates of other points to be determined. The control system is segmented into six control networks which provide control marks for specific…
    • Geodetic
  • Understanding datums and projections

    A lot of technical terms are used in New Zealand’s geodetic system. Find out about geodetic and vertical datums, geoids, projections, and coordinate transformations for accurate position and height measurements.
    • Geodetic
  • Tidal level information for surveyors

    Determination of MHWSThere is no definitive method for establishing mean high-water springs (MHWS) boundaries – it requires a tailored approach that considers factors like hydraulic gradient, land type and the survey accuracy that is required.
    • Geodetic
  • Vertical datum relationship grids

    Vertical datum relationship grids are reference surfaces that can be used to transform heights between the 13 official local vertical datums and New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016 (NZVD2016).
    • Geodetic
  • New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 ellipsoidal heights

    New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 (NZGD2000) coordinates include an ellipsoidal height measured using GNSS (global navigation satellite system) observations. Ellipsoidal heights often need to be converted to a vertical datum.
    • Geodetic
  • Darwin Glacier Lambert Conformal 2000 Projection (DGLC2000)

    The Darwin Glacier Lambert Conformal 2000 projection (DGLC2000) was replaced by the McMurdo Sound Lambert Conformal 2000 projection (MSLC2000) on 21 March 2011.
    • Geodetic
  • New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 (NZGD1949) orders

    New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 (NZGD1949) was a horizontal datum. Its coordinates were classified into orders according to observation type and survey network.
    • Geodetic
  • Pre-2010 normal-orthometric height orders

    Before May 2010, normal-orthometric heights were categorised using orders based on observation method and survey significance. This order framework was replaced by the Standard for the Geospatial Accuracy Framework (LINZS25005) and Standard for Tiers,…
    • Geodetic
  • New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 deformation model

    The New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 (NZGD2000) deformation model is used to adjust coordinates for ongoing crustal deformation. It takes into account tectonic motion and some major earthquakes to ensure that coordinates of survey marks and other features…
    • Geodetic
  • Reference ellipsoids

    An important feature of a geodetic datum is the reference surface. The reference surface approximates the shape of the Earth, so that geodetic coordinates can be located on a curved surface. The most common reference surface for geodetic datums is an…
    • Geodetic
  • New Zealand Map Grid transformations

    The mathematical parameters and equations used to convert New Zealand Map Grid coordinates to other datums and projections.
    • Geodetic
  • Projection conversions

    Coordinates can be transformed between projections within the same datum, or between projections using different datums.
    • Geodetic
  • Instructions for carrying out online height conversions

    How to transform heights between vertical datums.
    • Geodetic
  • Geodetic datum conversions

    Coordinates can be transformed between geodetic datums by using either a transformation grid or a similarity transformation. This section includes examples of transforming to and from New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 (NZGD2000).
    • Geodetic
  • Antarctica and Pacific regions

    This section contains information on the role of Toitū Te Whenua in the Ross Sea region of Antarctica and the Pacific region.
    • Topography
  • Annual Report 2019/20

    Our Annual Report tells Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand’s story for the year, covering our purpose and outcomes (our Kaupapa), how we manage our resources to create value, and our work to support Māori–Crown relations.
    • Corporate
  • Briefing to the Incoming Minister for Land Information - Dec 2020

    Briefing on the Land Information portfolio, outlining LINZ's role, functions and strategic direction.
    • Corporate
  • Briefing to the Incoming Minister for Land Information - October 2014

    Briefing on the Land Information portfolio, outlining LINZ's role, functions and strategic direction.
    • Corporate
  • Annual Report 2007/08

    Our Annual Report tells Land Information New Zealand’s story for the year.
    • Corporate
  • Annual Report 2003/04

    Our Annual Report tells Land Information New Zealand’s story for the year.
    • Corporate
  • Statement of Intent 2015-2019

    • Corporate
  • Statement of Intent 2011-2014

    Over 2011-14, we will deliver the Government’s priorities, continue to improve our core operational service delivery, and leverage new value from our existing operations to benefit New Zealanders.
    • Corporate
  • Statement of Intent 2005-2006

    This is the third Statement of Intent for Land Information New Zealand. It presents the Department’s plans for the three years, 2005/06 – 2007/08, and builds on our previous documents. We will update our Statement of Intent every year as part of the…
    • Corporate