6229 results

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  • First-order geodetic triangulation of New Zealand 1909-49 1973-74

    This was the official geodetic datum for New Zealand until 1998. Like most datums of its era it was defined using astronomical observations to establish the coordinates of a relatively small number of fiducial stations. Triangulation was then used to…
    • Geodetic
  • Te Ika-a-Māui North Island and Te Waipounamu South Island

    The official alternative names for the North Island and South Island.
    • Māori and iwi
    • Place naming
  • What land records are for

    Land records provide detailed legal information and a historical record of land ownership.
    • Land registration
  • Key datasets for resilience and climate change – Priority data improvement plan 2019/20

    The purpose of this document is to set out how the key datasets for resilience and climate change were identified and assessed, and to establish the priority data improvements which would deliver the most benefit.
    • Data
  • Land Record Search support

    Resources to help the public to search and purchase online property records, such as a record of title, survey plan or other instruments.
    • Landonline
    • Land registration
  • Where in the World Are We?

    A technical guide to datums and projections in New Zealand.
    • Geodetic
  • About Cook's voyage and place names

    Learn about Cook’s voyages, the men who served under him and the New Zealand places they named.
    • Place naming
  • Map tile services

    The LDS web map tile services simplify access to data for analysis and visualisations.
    • Data
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202100597 - The Neil Group Limited / Neil Construction Limited

    Decision Standing Consent (Increased Housing and Non-Residential Use tests) granted
    OI Information Release
  • NZGB notices – June 2022

    Proposed, assigned, altered, and discontinued geographic names
    • Place naming
  • Landonline Privacy Statement

    This statement explains how we collect, use and share personal information in connection with your use of Landonline
    • Landonline
  • Log in to Landonline Web Search (returning users)

    Landonline Web Search can be accessed from any computer or mobile device — anywhere. You can remain logged in to Web Search throughout the day.
    • Landonline
  • LINZ VAH Rating Revaluation Audit Handbook

    This document is designed to assist Territorial Authorities (TAs) to fulfil their obligations to provide assurance to LINZ that their district valuation roll meets the minimum compliance requirements for a revaluation.
    • Property valuation
  • Select property title (parcels with multiple titles only)

    If an address or land parcel you have selected contains 2 or more titles Landonline prompts you to select the required title.
    • Landonline
  • Toitū Te Whenua - Land Information New Zealand

    Landing page
  • Crown pastoral lease: Mt Aspiring Station

    Overall progressCurrent stage: Review completedStageStatus
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Redcliffe

    Overall progress Current Stage Not in Tenure Review   Information Gathering for Preliminar
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Raglan Run

    Overall progress Current Stage Not in Tenure Review   Information Gathering for Preliminar
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Mataura Valley

    Overall progressCurrent stage: Not in Tenure ReviewStageStatus
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Mt Pisa II

    Overall progress Current Stage Not in Tenure Review   Information Gathering for Preliminar
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Omahau Downs

    Overall progress Current Stage Not in Tenure Review   Information Gathering for Preliminar
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Orchard Estate

    Overall progress Current Stage Not in Tenure Review   Information Gathering for Preliminar
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Otamatapaio

    Overall progress Current Stage Not in Tenure Review   Information Gathering for Preliminar
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Rhoboro Downs

    Overall progress Current Stage Not in Tenure Review   Information Gathering for Preliminar
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Silverbirch Station

    Overall progress Current Stage Not in Tenure Review   Information Gathering for Preliminar
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: The Gorge

    Overall progress Current Stage Not in Tenure Review   Information Gathering for Preliminar
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: St. James

    Overall progress Current Stage Not in Tenure Review ✓ Information Gathering for Preliminary Pro
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: West Wanaka

    Overall progress Current Stage Not in Tenure Review   Information Gathering for Preliminar
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Michael Peak

    Overall progressCurrent stage: Crown purchase for conservationStageStatus
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Hakatere

    Overall progress Current stage: Crown purchase for conservation Stage Status
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Glenariffe

    Overall progress Current stage: Tenure Review completed Stage Status
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Glen Dhu Station

    Overall progress Current stage: Tenure Review completed Stage Status
    Crown land
    • Crown property