6229 results

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  • Motukōkako Island / Piercy Island and Cape Brett

    Originally named for its feather gathering, Cook later named it in honour of a Lord of the Admiralty.
    • Place naming
  • Crown reserve name proposal

    Only the Department of Conservation (DOC) can propose a name for a Crown reserve in New Zealand and its offshore islands including adjacent marine areas.
    • Place naming
  • Search for and select property records

    How to search for and select property records using new Landonline Web search.
    • Landonline
  • Examples of Class C boundaries

    CSDs containing class C boundaries under rules 24, 52.
    • Survey
  • National Imagery Coordination

    Toitū Te Whenua works with councils, regional consortiums and response agencies to acquire and publish aerial imagery of New Zealand.
    • Data
  • Crown pastoral lease: Rees Valley Station

    Overall progressCurrent StageStageStatusNot in Tenure Review✓Information Gath
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • High Country Advisory Group members appointed

    Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) has today announced the new members of its High Country Advisory Group.
    • Crown property
  • Public Works Act Review

    The Government is reviewing the Public Works Act (PWA) 1981 to make it easier to build critical infrastructure in New Zealand.
    • Crown property
  • Landwrap - July 2024

    Ngā mihi o te tau hou Māori (happy Māori new year),
    • Land registration
    • Landonline
  • Other sea level data

    Other sea level data is available from LINZ (on behalf of other organisations) and from other sources.
    • Marine information
  • Manually capture a dataset

    You can manually capture a survey by linking to existing nodes and marks in Landonline and then entering relevant information about the survey.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Pre-validate

    Pre-validate checks your survey against a set of predefined automated business rules to identify potential inconsistencies in your survey. It is recommended you pre-validate before submission.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Vectors and lines

    When a cadastral survey is undertaken the relationship between boundary and non-boundary marks is ascertained or measured. This is often in the form of a vector which combines bearing and distance.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Adopt an existing irregular boundary line

    You can adopt an existing irregular boundary already saved in Landonline.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Delete an irregular boundary using the Irregular lines panel

    You can only delete an irregular line which was captured in your survey. You cannot delete an existing irregular boundary in Landonline.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Schedule / memorandum

    New Landonline lets surveyors create and attach a schedule/memorandum supporting document, with the ability to define its tables and lines using the Schedule/memorandum panel.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Monitoring climate change from Antarctica

    A team from Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand recently visited Antarctica as part of efforts to better understand climate change and protect important heritage sites.
    • Survey
  • Have your say on how innovative technologies can help protect Aotearoa New Zealand’s biodiversity

    Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) and the Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai (DOC) have developed a draft Long-term Insights Briefing and we are seeking your thoughts.
    • Corporate
  • Unlink a mark

    You can unlink marks in two ways by using the: Marks panel Spatial view (map). Both methods remove the link between the marks.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Missed marks

    When you link parcels spatially you must assess when to include missed marks in your survey.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Select existing vectors spatially

    Existing Landonline vectors can be selected from the Spatial Display and added to your survey. 
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Add and edit a new parcel

    If new parcels are added as a LandXML file, use the New parcels panel to edit their textual information (such as parcel appellation), and allocate titles and RT references. Once this is completed, you can link them to Landonline using the spatial view.…
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Link a new parcel

    You need to relink at least one new parcel to ensure mandatory and optional missed marks are included in the survey.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Download the schedule / memorandum as a PDF

    Once you have finished, select the Download button to download a copy of the schedule/memorandum as a PDF. 
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Accredited Supplier’s Reports for the acquisition of three properties in Te Horo/Peka Peka

    The request was for copies of the Accredited Supplier’s Report and Conclusion to Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) for three properties in Te Horo/Peka Peka.
    • Crown property
  • Management agreement between Toitū Te Whenua and the Kapiti Coast District Council relating to the Right of Way for Lot 22 DP 33688

    The request was for any agreement or contract that LINZ has with Kapiti Coast District Council, Department of Conservation and the Kapiti Mountain Bike Club relating to the Right of Way for Lot 22 DP 33688.
    • Crown property
  • Place name proposal - Te Awa o Mokotūāraro

    The proposal is to alter the official place name Clive River to Te Awa o Mokotūāraro for the river that flows from Pakowhai Road Bridge northeast of Hastings to join the mouth of Ngaruroro River, which flows into Hawke Bay.
    Consultation › place name
    • Place naming
  • Prepare survey report

    The survey report’s format is designed to help surveyors enter the correct information for the survey.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Edit, add or remove a package

    You can edit, add and remove a package as required.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202200409 - Ingka Investments Forest Assets NZ Limited and Ingka Investments Management NZ Limited

    Decision Consent granted  Section 12(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005 
    OI Information Release
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202200417 - CDL Land New Zealand Limited

    Decision Consent granted Section 12(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005 
    OI Information Release
  • Getting to the root of farm to forestry conversions

    When it comes to overseas investors converting farmland to forestry, complex foreign investment rules can make it hard to see the forest for the trees.
    • Overseas investment