6228 results

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  • HYSPEC Contract Specifications for Hydrographic Surveys Version 2.0

    As a contracting government to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), New Zealand has an obligation to arrange to collect and compile hydrographic data, and to publish, disseminate and update all nautical information necessary…
    • Marine information
  • Report a suspected breach

    Tell us if you think someone has broken the overseas investment rules.
    • Overseas investment
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202100546 - BW Digital Pte. Ltd.

    Decision   Consent granted Sections 13(1)(a) and 12(1)(b)(i) Overseas Investment Act 2005
    OI Information Release
  • Subdivision registration requirements

    Information and links to online resources for the registration requirements for subdivisions.
    • Land registration
  • Pānui - June 2022

    A Bill relating to overseas investment in production forestry is being considered by a Parliamentary select committee and, if approved, the changes are likely to take effect quickly. Find out more in this month's Pānui.
    • Overseas investment
  • PGF Version: New Zealand National Aerial LiDAR Base Specification

    Modified sections are highlighted yellow. All changes are in the interest of removing ambiguity, defining a standard product, and emphasising commonly missed details.
    • Data
  • Landwrap - April 2022

    In this edition: an update on survey and title processing times, Notice of Change now available for Christchurch City Council, meeting Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 requirements where survey marks are low order, new registration guideline for Ahuriri Hapū…
    • Land registration
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Consultation on requesting aerial imagery in an emergency response

    As of June 2021, this document is in draft and available to our key customers and stakeholders for consultation and feedback.
    Consultation › general
    • Data
  • Regulatory Quality Assurance - Audit Process for Cadastral Surveys - Office and Field Audit Approach

    This document outlines a tested methodology for checking that Cadastral Surveys are being undertaken to the required quality.
    • Survey
  • Online enquiry form

    For LINZ and Landonline queries phone 0800 665 463 (New Zealand call free only) email customersupport@linz.govt.nz(link sends e-mail), or complete the form below.
    • Corporate
  • Getting started with Land Record Search

    What you can find in Land Record Search and how to access it.
    • Landonline
  • Types of property records that can be searched for

    Land Record Search allows you to search for a range of property records, including titles, instruments and surveys.
    • Landonline
  • Search using the Search field

    Land Record Search allows you to find a record of title, instrument or survey
    • Landonline
  • Landwrap - September 2022

    Utility Location Standard now published The Utility Location Standard is now available from the 
    • Land registration
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • SouthPAN Early Open Services are now available

    Early Open Services are available now for applications that do not require high reliability.
    • Geodetic
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202200028 - Reco Pacific Private Limited

    Decision Consent granted Section 13(1)(c) Overseas Investment Act 2005
    OI Information Release
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202200195 - Southland Plantation Forest Company of New Zealand Limited

    Decision Consent granted Section 12(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005 
    OI Information Release
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202200197 - Darley-Graze Holding Limited and FinaNuts Holding Pty Limited

    Decision Consent granted  Section 12(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005
    OI Information Release
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202200162 - Tui BidCo Limited

    Decision Granted  Sections 12(1)(a) and 13(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005
    OI Information Release
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202200219 - Greenheart Mangakahia Forest Land Limited

    Decision Consent granted Section 12(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005 
    OI Information Release
  • Tauranga’s Mount Misery officially changes to Maungatūtū

    Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa New Zealand Geographic Board has announced the official name Maungatūtū for a hill 10km south of Tauranga.
    • Place naming
  • Pānui - September 2022

    Pānui is our regular newsletter for overseas investment news.
    • Overseas investment
  • Key differences with Legacy Landonline

    Find out the key differences between Legacy Landonline and New Landonline - Dealings.
    • Landonline
    • Land registration
  • Pay for property records

    To pay for the property records you have selected, use a credit or debit card. Land Record Search accepts Visa, Mastercard, and Prezzy Cards. The records will be emailed to you once payment has been processed.
    • Landonline
  • Manual dealing guide

    Information about land title transactions lodged in paper form, commonly known as manual dealings.
    • Land registration
  • Place name proposal - Whaitiri

    This proposal is to alter Waitiri (peak) to Whaitiri, and correct the position from NZTopo50-CB09 053446 to NZTopo-CB09 050434.
    Consultation › place name
    • Place naming
  • LDS APIs and web services

    Pull the latest LINZ Data Service data into your web, mobile and GIS applications with our APIS and web services.
    • Data
  • Charts

    Learn about keeping your nautical charts up-to-date with our Notices to Mariners.
    • Marine information
  • Interim standard for Acquisition of Land for Kāinga Ora under the Urban Development Act 2020 – LINZ OP S 01288

    The Urban Development Act 2020 (UDA) provides Kāinga Ora with powers to acquire, develop and transfer land when it initiates, facilitates, or undertakes any work for the purpose of its urban development functions. This ensures that all parties are treated…
    • Crown property
  • NZGB notices – July 2022

    Assigned and altered geographic names
    • Place naming
  • Oceana Gold Limited’s application for Overseas Investment consent

    Oceana Gold operates a gold mine operation in Waihi. It sought consent to acquire approximately 197.066 hectares of sensitive land at Waihi to build a portal on the Land to their Wharekirauponga Tunnel
    • Overseas investment
  • Canterbury pastoral leases inspected since October 2018

    The OIA response provides a summary of pastoral leases within the Canterbury region that had a formal full inspection since October 2018 and those leases that it was found to be a contravention/breach of the lease.
    • Crown property