Liberty NZ Warehouse Trust No. 1
Case number(s)
Decision date
DecisionConsent granted
Section 13(1)(c) Overseas Investment Act 2005
Decision date12 May 2015
InvestmentAn overseas investment in significant business assets, being the Applicant’s acquisition (by and through its trustee and manager), of property in New Zealand used in carrying on business in New Zealand for consideration exceeding $100m, that property being loans and related securities originated by Secure Funding Limited.
ConsiderationGreater than $100,000,000
ApplicantLiberty NZ Warehouse Trust No. 1
Sherman Ching Ma, United States of America (100.0%)
VendorSecure Funding Limited
Sherman Ching Ma, United States of America (100.0%)

The Investment is a securitisation transaction under which residential mortgage loans originated by the Vendor will be acquired by the Applicant trust, which will then be funded by warehouse facility or on the capital markets. This will fund the Vendor’s future lending.

The overseas investment transaction has satisfied the criteria in section 18 of the Overseas Investment Act 2005. 

More informationSusie Kilty
Buddle Findlay
PO Box 2694