David Morris and Benjiman Kahn, Ian and Tonya Koblick and Shmuel Meitar
Case number(s)
Decision date
DecisionRetrospective consent granted
Section 12(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005
Decision date6 June 2014
InvestmentAn overseas investment in sensitive land, being the Applicants’ acquisition, indirectly via Walter Peak Corporate Trustee Limited as Trustee of the Walter Peak Station Trust, of mortgage interests in approximately 34.892 hectares of land at Walter Peak, Queenstown.
ConsiderationThe consideration is the amount of a private loan.
ApplicantMorris, David and Benjiman Kahn, Ian and Tonya Koblick and Shmuel Meitar
Morris Salomon Kahn (Israel) (27.5%)
Shmuel Meitar, (Israel) (27.5%)
Koblick (Ian and Tonya) (USA) (25%)
David Simon Kahn (Israel) (10%)
Benjamin Yehoshua Kahn (Israel) (10%)
VendorAviation Properties NZ Limited
Roderick William Guthrie Nielsen, New Zealand (100%)

In 2006, the Applicants sold around 39 hectares of land to a New Zealand property developer. The property developer intended to construct residential dwellings and a visitors accommodation lodge on the land but went into receivership before the development could be completed. In 2008, before the property developer went into receivership, the Applicants loaned it money and secured the loan via mortgages over the land. The Applicant has sought and been granted retrospective consent to acquire those mortgage interests.

The current owners of Walter Peak Station (being a subset of the Applicants) intend to enforce the mortgages, acquire the relevant land and progress the development by completing the indigenous replanting requirements of the resource consent (refer case 201410018). It is noted that the owners of Walter Peak Station have already re-acquired most of the land they had sold to the property developer (refer case 201220013).

The overseas investment transaction has satisfied the criteria in section 16 of the Overseas Investment Act 2005. The 'substantial and identifiable benefit to New Zealand' criteria were satisfied by particular reference to the following factors:

Overseas Investment Act 2005
17(2)(b) – Indigenous vegetation/fauna

Overseas Investment Regulations 2005
28(a) – Consequential Benefits
28(c) – Affect image
28(e) – Previous investments
28(g) – Enhance the viability of other investments

More informationJohn Williamson
Checketts McKay
PO Box 41
Retrospective penalty$3,000