Land titles instrument codes and lodgement fees A-G

This page shows the instrument codes and fees for lodging a land title. Select a letter to view codes beginning with that letter (A - G)

Survey and title fees are changing on 3 February 2025. See details on the changes: Survey and title fees

A   B   C   D   E   F   G


All fees are GST inclusive.


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
-in addition to registration fees450450


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
ACCApplication in respect of18090

Agreements for Sale & Purchase

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
ASPAgreement for Sale and Purchase18090
ASPunder Maori Housing Amendment Act 1938180 
ASPunder Housing Act 1955180 
ASPunder Local Government Act 1974180 
RASPRescission or surrender of ASP under Housing or Local Government ActNil 
RASPRescission/Revocation of Agreement for Sale and Purchase18090
RASPRevocation of ASP under Maori Housing Amendment Act180 
RASPSurrender of ASP180 


Please note some agreements might incur fees.

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
AGElectricity, forestry etc  
RAGRevocation of AG  
PRAGPartial revocation of AG  



Local Government Act 1974

Public Works Act 1981

Resource Management Act 1991


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
NAPChange of / newNilNil


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement

Application for Record of Title - ss155, 172 or 204 Land Transfer Act 2017




+ for each notice required to be sent
+ for each issue of each new title









A8under s8 Housing Assets Transfer Act 1993
+ new record of title to issue (where required)
A9application to transfer ownership - s9 Health Reforms (Transitional Provisions) Act 199318090
A10under s10 Irrigation Scheme Act 1990
+ new record of title to issue (where required)
A25under s25(1) or (2) State Owned Enterprises Act 1986
+ new record of title to issue (where required)
A60under s60 New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Act 201818090
A86for ownership of minerals s86 Crown Minerals Act180 
A185Application for Title to Access Strip under s185 LTA 2017
+ Advertising Fee
+ new record of title to issue





A120Application for Release of Statutory Land Charge - s120(3) Land Transfer Act 201718090
A90Application under s90 Land Transfer Act 201718090
A143Application to lapse caveat under s143 Land Transfer Act 2017186 (includes $6 notice fee)96 (includes $6 notice fee)
APOLApplication - (other legislation)
+ new certificate of title to issue (where required)
+ advertising fee (where required)
+ for each notice required to be sent (where required)
CFENApplication to Cancel Fencing Covenant or Agreement - s21 LTA 2017, r19 LTR 201818090
EEExtinguishment of Easement - s113/114/ 115 LTA 201718090
M143Application under s143 LTA 2017 MLC00
R55Application under s55(7) New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Act 201818090

Approving any Form

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
FAPIf an instrument, as prescribed under the Land Transfer Act is presented on a form not approved by the Registrar-General of Land under regulation 6 of the Land Transfer Regulations 2018  (whether printed on a printed form or not) then a form approval fee may be payable. This fee should be added to the registration fee but the code "FAP" should not be used. This would include transfers, mortgages, encumbrances, variations of mortgage, mortgage priority instruments, leases, variations of leases, caveats, easement certificates, variations of easements and applications under the Land Transfer Act.80 

Body Corporate

See Unit Titles Act 2010


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
BONLocal Government Act 1974/Resource Management Act 199118090
DBONDischarge of18090
DBONApplication to have expiry of BON noted18090
PBONPartial discharge of18090
VBONVariation of18090

Building Act 2004

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
C73Notification of Condition s73(1)(c) and 73(3)18090
C77Certification Imposing Condition s77(4)18090
RC74Notification of Redundant Entry s74(3) and (4)18090
RC83Certificate Approving Removal of Entry s83(3)18090

Building Line Restrictions

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CBLRCancellation of18090
PBLRPartial cancellation of18090

Building Permits / Restrictions

See sections relating to the principal registration


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
XCaveat (plus notice to registered owner)180
WXWithdrawal of18090
A143Application to lapse caveat under s143 LTA 2017
(plus notice served to caveator)
M143Application under s143 LTA 2017 MLC00
PWXPartial withdrawal of18090
XAPPCaveat against Application for Record of Title - ss162, 174 or 187 Land Transfer Act 2017180
XJFHCaveat under s6 Joint Family Homes Act 1964180
XUTACaveat forbidding Subdivision of Land - s195 Unit Titles Act 2010180

Certified Copies

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
 For certification of a true copy25 

Certificates / Notices

All types refer to relevant Acts eg:

  • Crown Forest Assets Act
  • Crown Research Institutes Act
  • Land Transfer Act
  • Public Works Act
  • Resource Management Act

Certificates of Title (Issue of New)

See Records of Title

Changes / Correction of Name

See the Names section


See Statutory land charges

Charging Orders

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CHOunder s184 District Court Act 2016NilNil
CHOunder Rating Powers Act 1988NilNil
CHOFamily Proceedings Act 1980NilNil
CHOunder Child Support Act 1991 (or variation of charging order)NilNil
CHOLocal Government (Rating) Act 200218090
CHOExtension of Charging Orders18090
CHOCharging Order - High Court18090
DCHOCancellation of18090
DCHOCancellation of CHO Rating Powers Act 198818090
DCHODischarge of CHO Local Government (Rating) Act 200218090
DCHODischarge of CHO Family Proceedings Act 1980NilNil
DCHODischarge of CHO Child Support Act 1991NilNil
DCHODischarge of CHO s96A District Courts Act 1947NilNil
PCHOPartial discharge of charging order18090
PCHODischarge of CHO s96A District Courts Act 1947NilNil
DTCDischarge of Tax ChargeNilNil
PDTCPartial discharge of Tax ChargeNilNil

Charitable Trusts Act 1957

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
ANTAppointment of Trustees s418090

Child Support Act 1991

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CHOCharging order (or variation of charging order)NilNil
DCHODischarge of charging orderNilNil


See Notices of claim

Climate Change Response Act 2002

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CCRClimate Change Response Act 2002 - Notice of status under s195(2)18090
CCRCClimate Change Response Act 2002 - Cancellation of Notice of status under s195(3)18090
CCRPClimate Change Response Act 2002 - Partial cancellation of notice of status under s195(3)18090

Compensation Certificates

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CCCompensation certificateNilNil
DCCDischarge ofNilNil
PDCCPartial discharge ofNilNil


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CONOConsent to notice s221 (4)(a) Resource Management Act18090
CCONCancellation of CONO18090
V221Variation of CONO18090

Court Orders (District and High and Family Courts)

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CHOCharging order District CourtNilNil
CHOCharging order High Court18090
CHOExtension of charging order18090
CHOCharging Order or variation of Charging Order under Family Proceedings Act 1980NilNil
CHOCharging Order or variation of charging order under Child Support Act 1991NilNil
COCourt Orders eg: vesting under Matrimonial Property Act18090
COCourt Order under Proceeds of Crime Act 199118090
COOrder under Protection and Personal Property Rights Act18090
COOrder appointing manager under Mental Health Act 196918090
DCHOMemorandum of satisfaction18090
DCHODischarge of CHO under Family Proceedings Act 1980NilNil
DCHODischarge of CHO under Child Support Act 1991NilNil


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CFENApplication to Cancel Fencing Covenant or Agreement - s21 LTA 2017, r19 LTR 201818090
COVAll types (fencing, open space, restrictive, QEII National Trust, Resource Management Act etc except Land Covenants)18090
C25ACovenant against Transfer of Allotments - s25A(2)(b) NZ Railways Corporation Restructuring Act 199018090
C240Against transfer of allotments - s240 Resource Mgmt Act18090
LCOVLand Covenant under s116(1)(a) or (b) Land Transfer Act 201718090
PCOVPartial surrender / revocation / rescission / cancellation / expiry of18090
PRLCPartial Revocation of Land Covenant under s116(1)(c) LTA 201718090
P25APartial cancellation of Covenant - s25A(9) NZ Railways Corporation Restructuring Act 199018090
RCOVSurrender / Revocation / Rescission / Cancellation / Expiry of Covenants other than Land Covenants18090
RLCRevocation of Land Covenant under s116(1)(c) LTA 201718090
R25ACancellation of Covenant - s25A(9) NZ Railways Corporation Restructuring Act 199018090
VCOVVariation of Covenants other than Land Covenants18090
VLCVariation of Land Covenant under s116(1)(c) LTA 201718090

Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
ROCPRestraining Order under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 200918090
FOCPForfeiture Order under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 200918090
COCPCourt Order under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 200918090

Crown Forest Assets Act 1989

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
RFLRescission of FLNilNil
VFLVariation of FL18090
TFLTransfer of FL18090
PAEPublic Access Easement Certificate18090
CPAECancellation of PAE18090
COVProtective covenant18090
VCOVVariation of COV18090
RCOVCancellation of COV18090

Crown Minerals Act 1991

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
RMIPRevocation of MIPNilNil
PMIPPartial surrender Mining/Prospecting/Exploration permitNilNil
SMIPSurrender of MIPNilNil
N83Notice of Access Rights18090
A86Application for ownership of minerals180 

Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
N61Notice of Acceptance of Proposal under s61 Crown Pastoral Land Act 199818090
SP64Substantive Proposal & Approved Plan under s64 Crown Pastoral Land Act 199818090
BCACrown Pastoral Land Act 1998 - Advice of Base Carrying Capacity - s231(7)180 


Registration - prefix 'Y' to code for document type

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
YRegistration of Deeds1 
YECDeed of easement under s60 Land Act180 
YRCVDeed of Revocation of a Covenant180 

Deferred Payment Licences

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
DPLDeferred payment licence
+ bringing forward of encumbrances (where appropriate)
PDPLPartial surrender of18090
SDPLSurrender of18090

Discharges (general)

See sections relating to the principal registration

Discharges of

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
DM2 or more mortgages (same mortgagees/same title) presented
as one document otherwise $105.00 per operation
DMMortgage Disabled Persons Community Welfare ActNilNil
DMRehabilitation mortgage18090
DMmore than one mortgagee executes on separate pages,
presented as one documen
DMMMortgage of a Mortgage180 
PDMPartial - Mortgage18090
PENCPartial - encumbrance18090
DFBCFamily benefit chargeNilNil
DCCCompensation certificateNilNil
DCHOCharging order (See Charging Order)VariesVaries
DTCTax chargeNilNil
PDTCPartial - tax chargeNilNil
DSLCStatutory Land Charge (See Statutory Land Charge)VariesVaries
A120Application for Release of Statutory Land Charge - s120(3) Land Transfer Act 201718090
D115Discharge of Certificate under s115 Public Works Act 1981NilNil
D221Irrigation ChargeNilNil
D643Certificate under s643 Local Government Act180 
DBONDischarge of Bond18090

Earthquake & War Damage Regulations 1984

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
RC5ADischarge s28(5)NilNil


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
EIEasement Instrument18090
VEVariation of18090
SESurrender of18090
EGrant of (without transferring land)18090
SESurrender of (with or without transferring land)18090
EEExtinguishment of Easement - s113/114/ 115 LTA 201718090
TEGrant of and transfer of land (2 operations)360180
TSESurrender of and transfer of land (2 operations)360180
HCECCertificate under Housing Act (pipeline, right of way etc)22
C243Revocation of conditional easement - s243 Res. Mgmt Act18090

Electricity Act 1968

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
RAGExpiry of electricity agreementNil 
PRAGPartial release of agreementNil 


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
DENCDischarge of18090
PENCPartial discharge of18090
VENCVariation of18090

Family Benefit Charges

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
DFBCDischarge of productionNilNil
PFBCPartial discharge ofNilNil

Fencing Act 1978

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
AGAgreement, Deed of180 
CFENApplication to Cancel Fencing Covenant or Agreement - s21 LTA 2017, r19 LTR 201818090
COVCovenant, Deed of18090
PRAGPartial release of agreement180 
RAGDischarge of180 
RCOVRevocation / Surrender / Rescission of a COV18090


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
AGForestry Rights Registration Agreement180 
AGForestry Encouragement AgreementNil 
EIRegistration of a forestry right18090
PRAGPartial release of AGNil 
PSAGPartial surrender of AG180 
RAGExpiration or termination of AGNil 
SAGSurrender of AG180 
TAGTransfer of Forestry Rights Registration Agreement18090
VAGVariation of AGNil 

Forestry (Crown)

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CFLCrown forestry licence18090
FMPSustainable forest management plan18090
SFPSustainable forest management permit18090

Friendly Societies Act 1908

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
-Appointment of trustees. Not lodged as a document.Nil 

Gazette Notices

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
GNGazette Notice (Order in Council)NilNil
GNRevocation / Cancellation of Gazette NoticeNilNil
PROCGazette Notice (Proclamation)NilNil
C346Local Government Act 1974 – Limited access road18090

Government Roading Powers Act 1989

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
C43Certificate - s43 Government Roading/Transit New Zealand Act18090
C91Certificate - s91 Government Roading/Transit New Zealand Act18090
C93Certificate notifying conditions18090
C94CCopy of declaration gazetted18090

Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act 2016

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
N103Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act 2016 – Notice of Intention under s103(1)NilNil
W103Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act 2016 - Withdrawal of Notice of Intention - s103(4)NilNil
Last updated