Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.

PositioNZ - Post Processing Service (PositioNZ-PP)

The Toitū Te Whenua PositioNZ Post Processing Service (PositioNZ-PP) is a free, automated service that processes global navigation satellite system (GNSS) data to accurately determine the coordinates of a static point.

PositioNZ-PP is a free, automated service that allows users to obtain accurate coordinates without their own base station network or specialised software for processing static GNSS (global navigation satellite system) data. PostioNZ-PP processes a standalone RINEX (receiver independent exchange format) data file against the PositioNZ network of stations to remove ionospheric and tropospheric delays, and clock errors of the receiver and satellites.

This generates:

  • New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 (NZGD2000) coordinates, which incorporates the New Zealand deformation model
  • New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016 (NZVD2016) coordinates  
  • International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2008 (ITRF2008) coordinates.  

PositioNZ-PP uses models based on the positions of PositioNZ stations, which are updated regularly and after significant earthquakes. To find out when PositioNZ-PP is updated, subscribe to the PositioNZ newsletter and station notifications.

Submit GNSS data for processing

Submit GNSS data for processing

PositioNZ-PP input data 

RINEX version : 2.11


RINEX version 3.0 files can be uploaded into PositioNZ-PP, but the output file will be RINEX version 2.11. To find out more about the RINEX format see our page on expected accuracy


GPS data at 30 second epochs

Accepted session length

1 hour to 48 hours (recommend at least 4 hours)

Antenna and receiver information

As listed in the IGS Conventions

RINEX height

Vertical distance between antenna reference point described in the IGS Conventions (ARP) and the top of mark

Service range

New Zealand only

PositioNZ-PP help

Refer to our help document for guidance on common issues encountered while using PositioNZ-PP:

If you are having problems, need some help or would like to send us feedback, email with ‘PositioNZ-PP feedback or issue’ in the subject line.