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Māori and iwi, Place naming

The New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa has announced 820 place name decisions.

These include four official place names in the Darran Mountains, Fiordland National Park:

  • Mount Mahere will become Mount Makere and be moved to its correct position.
  • The names Mount Milne and Mount Tarewai will become official, and their positions corrected.
  • The peak Waitiri will become Whaitiri, and its position corrected.

A stream at Te Ahumairangi Hill in Wellington is now officially named Waipaekākā.

Names are also confirmed for six undersea features in the Southern Ocean - Christoffel Hill, Ice Bird Peak, Kidson Hills, Leachman Hill, Lewis Seamount, and Solo Peak.

The majority of the remaining place names are in the Gisborne Region.

“More than 800 unofficial place names have been fast-tracked to make them official. These are familiar names that people already know and use. Most are unchanged, apart from some te reo Māori place names which now include macrons that were missing,” says Board Chairperson Anselm Haanen.

Mr Haanen says the accuracy of official names is important for community identity.

“Our Māori place names, like many place names, often have unique stories behind them that are part of local history. Ensuring they use appropriate macrons helps keep those stories alive”.

Mr Haanen says the Board has also opened consultation on six proposed names:

  • four currently unnamed creeks in Porirua:  Kapakapanui Creek, Koangaumu Creek, Ohangao Creek and Tītahi Creek
  • an unnamed range near Horohoro south of Rotorua: Te Horohoroinga-o-ngā-ringa-o-Kahumatamomoe
  • changing Mount Misery (south of Tauranga) to Maungatūtū.

“We would like anyone interested in these name proposals to make a submission.

It is important people have their say about place names proposed in their neighbourhood,” says Mr Haanen.

Details of the proposed changes and how to make a submission are available:

Kapakapanui Creek
Koangaumu Creek
Ohangao Creek
Te Horohoroinga-o-ngā-ringa-o-Kahumatamomoe
Tītahi Creek

For a complete list of the place names visit NZGB notices – November 2021

Maps showing the place names are online in the New Zealand Gazetteer

Once official, place names must be used in all official documents, like road signs, maps, web sites and databases.

For New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa media enquiries, please contact:  Ph: 027 566 5251

Background and further information

The New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa is an independent statutory body. We are supported by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand.

Place names tell us where we are. They are important signposts of modern, historical, and cultural influences and values of the people who gave them. Knowing the correct names for places and their locations is vital for everyday communications and activities, such as when emergency services need to identify ’where’ quickly, clearly, and accurately.

Under our fast-track process, an unofficial recorded place name that appears in at least two authoritative publications or databases can be approved as official or discontinued without public consultation. This fast-track process is set out under section 24 of the New Zealand Geographic Board Act 2008.

If a public objection is likely for an unofficial recorded place name, the Board must follow the full statutory process set out in the Act, including public consultation.


E 820 ngā whakatau ingoa wāhi kua pānuihia

Kua pānuihia e te New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa ētahi whakataunga ingoa wāhi e 820.

Ka uru atu ki ēnei ētahi ingoa wāhi mana e whā i te Pae Maunga o Darran me Fiordland National Park:

  • Kua Mount Makere a Mount Mahere ka nekehia anō ki tōna tūnga tika.  
  • Ka mana ngā ingoa o Mount Milne me Mount Tarewai, ka whakatikaina anō ō rāua tūnga.
  • Kua Whaitiri te tihi o Waitiri ka whakatikaina anō tōna tūnga.  

Kua mana te ingoa o Waipaekākā, tētahi manga i Te Ahumairangi Hill i Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara.

Kua whakaūngia hoki ētahi ingoa mō ētahi tārainga takere moana e ono i Te Taihuka-a-Pia – a Christoffel Hill, a Ice Bird Peak, a Kidson Hills, a Leachman Hill, a Lewis Seamount, me Solo Peak.

Ko te nuinga atu o ngā ingoa wāhi e toe ana kei te Rohe ki Tūranga-nui-a-Kiwa.

Hei tā te Toihau o te Poari, a Anselm Haanen, “Neke atu i te 800 ngā ingoa kāore i mana kua whakamanahia i raro i te tukanga whakatau wawe.  He ingoa ēnei e mōhio whānuitia ana, e whakamahia ana e te iwi. Ko te nuinga kāore i whakarerekētia, atu i te hoatu i te tohutō e ngaro ana i ētahi ingoa wāhi Māori.”

Hei tā Mr Haanen ko te tino tika kē o te ingoa mana e hira ana ki te tuakiri hapori.  

“He rite tonu te noho mai o te kōrero ahurei, te kōrero tuku iho o te rohe ki muri o ō tātou ingoa wāhi Māori, pērā i te maha atu o ngā ingoa wāhi. Mā te āta whai kia noho mai te tohutō ki te wāhi tika e ora tonu ai aua kōrero tuku iho”. 

Hei tā Mr Haanen kua whakatuwherahia e te Poari te whakapāpātanga mō ētahi ingoa e ono kua tonoa:  

  • ētahi kōawa ingoa kore e whā i Porirua: a Kapakapanui Creek, a Koangaumu Creek, a Ohangao Creek me Tītahi Creek
  • tētahi pae maunga ingoa kore pātata ki Horohoro kei te tonga o Rotorua: Te Horohoroinga-o-ngā-ringa-o-Kahumatamomoe
  • te panoni i a Mount Misery (kei te tonga o Tauranga) kia Maungatūtū.

Hei tā Mr Haanen, “Ka pai tonu ki a mātou ki te tāpaea mai e te hunga e hiahia ana ō rātou whakaaro ki ngā tono ingoa nei.   

He mea nui te whakaputa kōrero a te tangata mō ngā ingoa kua tonoa i tō rātou takiwā.”

Ka taea ngā kōrero whānui mō ngā panonitanga kua tonoa me te āhua o te tāpae whakaaro mai i

Kapakapanui Creek
Koangaumu Creek
Ohangao Creek
Te Horohoroinga-o-ngā-ringa-o-Kahumatamomoe
Tītahi Creek

Mō te rārangi ingoa wāhi katoa haere ki NZGB notices – November 2021

Kei te ipurangi ngā mahere whakaatu i ngā ingoa wāhi, kei New Zealand Gazetteer

Kia mana te ingoa wāhi, me mātua whakamahi ki ngā tuhinga mana katoa pērā i te tohu huarahi, te mahere, te paetukutuku me te putunga raraunga. 

Mō ngā pātai pāpāho e pā ana ki te New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa, whakapā mai koa ki:  Ph: 027 566 5251

Kōrero tuarongo me ētahi atu pārongo

He rōpū motuhake ā-ture te New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa. E tautokohia ana mātou e Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand.

Ko tā te ingoa wāhi he whakaatu kei hea tātou. He tohu hiranga hoki mō ngā kawenga taha ahurea a ngā hunga o ēnei rā, o mua, nā rātou i taunaha, me tā rātou i uara ai. He nui whakaharahara te mōhio ki te ingoa tika o tētahi wāhi me tōna wāhi tūturu ki ngā kōrero me ngā mahi o ia rā, pērā i te āta tautuhi a ngā ratonga whawhati tata ’kei hea ake’ tētahi wāhi i runga i te whāwhai, te mārama me te tika tūturu.

I raro i tā mātou tukanga whakatau wawe, ka taea te whakaae kia mana tētahi ingoa wāhi kua takoto kāore i mana ka kitea i ētahi tuhinga mana e rua neke atu, i ētahi putunga raraunga rānei me te kore e whakapāpā ki te iwi tūmatanui, waihoki mō te unu atu i te ingoa. Kei raro te tukanga whakatau wawe nei i te wehenga 24 o te Ture a te New Zealand Geographic Board 2008.

Ki te whakapono ka whakahēngia e te iwi tūmatanui te ingoa kua takoto kāore i mana, me mātua whai e te Poari te katoa o te tukanga ā-ture kua whakaritea i te Ture, tae atu ki te whakapāpā haere ki te iwi tūmatanui. 


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