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Place naming

The names Te Waihorotiu Railway Station and Karanga-a-Hape Railway Station are proposed for new railway stations expected to open in late 2024. Britomart Station is proposed to be altered to Waitematā Railway Station, and Mount Eden Station is proposed to take on the dual name Maungawhau / Mount Eden Railway Station.

”The Board was pleased that the original proposals from City Rail Link and Auckland Transport used names gifted by a Mana Whenua Forum,” says Board Chairperson Anselm Haanen.

Map showing the four proposed railway names in central Auckland

Original proposals amended

"The Board has changed the names originally put forward, to ensure they are consistent with standardised written te reo Māori and to use the correct terms for official railway station names," says Mr Haanen.

"The original proposal Te Wai Horotiu is changed to Te Waihorotiu, and Karanga a Hape has been changed to Karanga-a-Hape."

"The word 'Station' was amended to 'Railway Station' for all four proposed names," Mr Haanen says. "Although commonly known as Britomart since it opened in 2003, the railway station's name was never made official by the Board."

Dual name proposed for Mount Eden Station

Mr Haanen said the original proposed name Maungawhau was also changed.

"Given Mount Eden Station has had its name for over 140 years, the Board agreed to put forward a dual name Maungawhau / Mount Eden Railway Station," Mr Haanen says.

"This is consistent with the dual name for the maunga, which was made official in 2014 following a Treaty settlement.  As a rule, the Board names railway stations to reflect their location".

Consultation open to all

Mr Haanen says the amended name proposals reflect official language standards and expert advice. The Board welcomes all feedback, whether in support of or against the proposed names.

"Anyone can make submissions on the proposed railway station names," says Mr Haanen.

The consultation runs from Tuesday 23 August to Wednesday 9 November 2022, closing on the same date as a consultation already underway for three new Railway Station names near Drury.

Once the consultation closes, the Board will consider all submissions and alternative suggestions at its hui on 2 December. Anyone can make a submission on proposed names, either online or by emailing

Make a submission:

The final decisions are expected to be announced early next year.

About the proposed names

  • Waitematā Railway Station is associated with the area and particularly with Waitematā Harbour, which was named after its resemblance to obsidian and for its flat, glassy waters. Another tradition is the harbour's name reflects a visit from a Te Arawa ancestor who placed an obsidian stone in the northern part of the harbour as a talisman.
  • Te Waihorotiu Railway Station recognises the former Waihorotiu stream that flowed near this railway station. The name refers to a taniwha in the waters.
  • Karanga-a-Hape Railway Station is associated with the adjacent street name. It means 'the call of Hape'. Hape was an ancestor of the Tainui iwi who made his own way to Tāmaki Makaurau when his waka left him in Hawaiki. After performing a karakia (prayer), he was gifted a kaitiaki (guardian) who was a stingray, and together they crossed the water to arrive in Aotearoa ahead of the Tainui waka that left before him.
  • Maungawhau / Mount Eden Railway Station is associated with the nearby maunga. Maungawhau literally translates to mountain (maunga) of cork tree (whau). The whau tree was used for fishing floats and medicinal purposes. Mount Eden was named after George Eden who was Baron Eden and Earl of Auckland.

About Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa

  • The New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa is an independent statutory body. We are supported and administered by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand.
  • Anyone may propose a name for a geographic feature or place. We use naming guidelines, standards, and international good practice for standardised, consistent, and accurate naming, to help us make robust and enduring decisions.
  • The Board recognises the importance of pronunciation in te reo, and macrons support both pronunciation and meaning. Therefore, the Board follows the orthographic conventions created by Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (The Māori Language Commission) 
  • If the Board doesn't agree to a proposal, it may consult on a different proposal considered more appropriate. 
  • We consult with relevant agencies, local communities, stakeholders, and iwi. We research all proposals and encourage the use of original Māori names.
  • Once official, place names must be used in all official documents, like road signs, maps, websites, and databases.
  • Anyone can make a submission on proposed names, either online or by emailing
  • Information about official and recorded place names is available in the New Zealand Gazetteer.

E rapua ana ngā whakaaro o te iwi tūmatanui mō ētahi tono ingoa teihana rerewē kei te puku o Tāmaki Makaurau

Kua whakatuwherangia e te New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa te whakapāpātanga tūmatanui mō ētahi tono ingoa teihana rerewē e whā kei te puku o Tāmaki Makaurau.

Kua tonoa ko Te Waihorotiu Railway Station me Karanga-a-Hape Railway Station mō ētahi teihana rerewē hou ko tōna tikanga ka tuwhera i te tōmuritanga o 2024. Kua tonoa te huri i te Britomart Station ki te Waitematā Railway Station, kua tonoa kia ingoa takirua  a Mount Eden Station, kia Maungawhau / Mount Eden Railway Station.

Hei tā te Toihau o te Poari a Anselm Haanen, "E harikoa ana te Poari i te whakamahi a te City Rail Link me Auckland Transport i ētahi ingoa i kohaina e te Mana Whenua Forum i ngā tono ingoa ake.”

Whakahounga ki ngā tono ake

Hei tā Mr Haanen,"Kua whakarerekētia e te Poari ngā ingoa ake i tāpaea mai, kia āta rite ai ki ngā tikanga whānui mō te tuhi i te reo Māori, hei whakamahi anō i ngā kupu tika mō te ingoa teihana rerewē mana,”

"Kua hurihia te tono ake mō Te Wai Horotiu ki Te Waihorotiu, ko Karanga a Hape kua hurihia ki te Karanga-a-Hape."

Hei tā Mr Haanen, "Kua hurihia te kupu 'Station' kia 'Railway Station' mō ngā ingoa katoa i tāpaea. Ahakoa te mōhio whānuitia ko Britomart mai i te tuwheratanga i te 2003, kīhai i whakamanahia e te Poari te ingoa o te teihana rerewē.”   

Kua tonoa kia ingoa takirua a Mount Eden Station

Hei tā Mr Haanen i whakarerekētia anō te ingoa ake i tonoa, a Maungawhau.

Hei tāna anō, "I te mea kua neke atu i te 140 tau te ingoa o Mount Eden Station, ka whakaae te Poari kia tāpaea ko tētahi ingoa takirua a Maungawhau / Mount Eden Railway Station."

"E rite ana tēnei ki te ingoa takirua mō te maunga i whakamanahia i te 2014 i muri o te whakataunga Tiriti.  Te tikanga ka ingoatia e te Poari te teihana rerewē ki tōna takiwā”.

E tuwhera ana te whakapāpātanga ki te katoa

E kī ana a Mr Haanen e whakaatu ana te whakahounga o te ingoa i ngā paerewa reo kua whakamanahia me ngā tohutohu mātanga.  E tuwhera ana te Poari ki ngā tāpaenga whakaaro katoa, ahakoa tautoko, ahakoa whakahē i ngā ingoa kua tonoa.  

Hei tā Mr Haanen, "E āhei ana te tangata noa ki te tuku whakaaro mai mō ngā ingoa teihana rerewē kua tonoa.”

Ka tuwhera te whakapāpātanga atu i te Rātū, te 23 o Hereturikōkā ki te Rāapa, te 9 o Whiringa-ā-rangi 2022, ka kati hoki i te rā e kati ai tētahi atu whakapāpātanga e haere ana mō ētahi ingoa Teihana Rerewē e toru pātata ki Drury.

Kia kati te whakapāpātanga, ka āta whakaarohia e te Poari ngā tāpaenga whakaaro katoa me ngā ingoa kē ka tāpaea mai i tāna hui o te 2 o Hakihea.  E āhei ana te tangata noa ki te tuku whakaaro mai mō te ingoa kua tonoa ā-tuihono mā te tuku īmēra rānei ki

Tuku whakaaro mai:

Te tikanga ka pānuihia ngā whakatau whakamutunga hei te tīmatanga o tērā tau.

He kōrero mō ngā ingoa kua tonoa

  • E hono ana te Waitematā Railway Station ki tōna takiwā, ina koa ki te Waitematā Harbour, i taunahatia mō te rite ōna ki te matā, me te marino tokitoki o ōna wai. Ko tētahi atu tikanga ko te whakaatu a te ingoa o te whanga i te taenga atu a tētahi tupuna o Te Arawa me te waiho matā ki te pito whakateraki o te whanga hei mauri.  
  • E tohu ana Te Waihorotiu Railway Station i te kōawa o te Waihorotiu i rere pātata ki te teihana rerewē nei.  E tonu ana te ingoa i tētahi taniwha o aua wai.  
  • E hono ana te Karanga-a-Hape Railway Station ki te ingoa o te tētahi ara tūtata. Kei te ingoa tonu tōna tikanga. He tupuna a Hape nō te iwi o Tainui i whai i tōna ara ki  Tāmaki Makaurau i te mahuetanga ōna i tana waka i Hawaiki. Ka taki i tana karakia, ka tukua he whai hei kaitiaki māna, ka rere tahi rāua i te moana ki Aotearoa ka ū mai i mua i te waka o Tainui, i wehe i mua atu i a ia. 
  • E hono ana a Maungawhau / Mount Eden Railway Station ki te maunga e tūtata mai ana.  He maunga a Maungawhau i tupu ai te whau.  I whakamahia te whau hei hanga kārewa, hei rongoā hoki.  I taunahatia a Mount Eden ki a George Eden, rangatira tauiwi o Tāmaki Makaurau.

He Kōrero mō Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa

  • He rōpū motuhake ā-ture te New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa. E tautokohia ana, e whakahaeretia ana mātou e Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand.
  • E āhei ana te tangata noa ki te tono ingoa mō tētahi tārainga matawhenua, tētahi wāhi rānei. Ka whai mātou i ētahi aratohu taunaha, ētahi paerewa, me ngā tikanga mahi papai o te ao mō te aro whānui, te auau, me te tino tika o te taunahatanga e kaha ai, e mauroa ai tā mātou i whakatau ai.
  • E mōhio ana te Poari ki te hiranga o te whakahua i te reo, me te tautoko a te tohutō i te whakahua me te tikanga o te kupu. Nō reira, e whai ana te Poari i ngā tikanga tuhi i te reo i waihangatia e Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (The Māori Language Commission). 
  • Ki te kore te Poari e whakaae ki tētahi tono, e taea ana e ia te whakapā haere mō ētahi atu tono e whakaarohia ana he hāngai ake.
  • Ka whakapā haere mātou ki te umanga, te hapori, te hunga whai pānga me te iwi e hāngai ana. Ka rangahaua ngā tono katoa, ka whakahau kia whakamahia ko te ingoa Māori ake.
  • Ina oti te whakamana, me mātua whakamahi te ingoa wāhi ki ngā tānga mana katoa, pērā i te tohu huarahi, te mahere whenua, te paetukutuku me te putunga raraunga.
  • E āhei ana te tangata noa ki te tuku whakaaro mai mō te ingoa kua tonoa ā-tuihono mā te tuku īmēra rānei ki
  • E wātea ana ngā pārongo mō te ingoa mana, te ingoa kua takoto i te New Zealand Gazetteer.

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