Save and print a tax statement

How to save or print the tax statement for your client to make their declaration.

Once you have completed the questions, you can save or print the tax statement for your client to make their declaration. 

An addendum will automatically be generated when the information exceeds the maximum characters allowed in a field. The fields are:

  • Record of title
  • the client name that the tax statement is for
  • the name of the nominator, if there is one.

Formats for the tax statement form

You can print or save the tax statement in these versions:

  • Short Form - a one-page summary of the form, showing only relevant questions and answers, if data limits allow.
  • Full Form - an editable form containing all fields. This form includes tips to help clients unfamiliar with the subject matter complete the form.
  • Read-only - has the same content as the full form but is not editable. This version can be saved to your document management system without the risk of any data being stripped out. To make changes, either do this in Landonline, or open the Full Form.

1. View the PDF of the tax statement.

Click on the down arrow on the View PDF (full) button at the bottom right of the form.

Select the format of the tax statement from the drop-down menu. 

If data limits have been exceeded, you will only be able to access the Full Form.

Tax statement format options.

2. Select the Save icon to save the form.

Select the Save icon.

Save icon.

Your folders will appear. 

Open the folder where you want to save the form, and select Save.

Folders to save the form.

3. Print the form.

Select the Print icon.

Print icon.

A print popup box will appear. 

Make changes to the print settings if needed and select Print.

Print button.

Contact your IT specialist if you need to set up your print or viewing PDF settings.

Issue with previewing statements with MS Edge

Text on tax statements may display incorrectly when downloaded or previewed using the Microsoft Edge browser.

This may be due to Microsoft Edge PDF settings on your device.

You can:

  • check your Microsoft Edge PDF settings
  • contact your technology support team to get help with your settings
  • use another browser, such as Google Chrome, or Adobe Reader to view and download tax statements.
Last updated