Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.

Locate and open an existing dealing

Use the My Dealings or Firm Dealings tabs to locate and open an existing dealing.

Filter dealings

You locate an existing dealing by using the Filter Dealings field. Enter the client reference, title reference and/or the dealing number.

There are also quick filter buttons to quickly filter your dealings by:

  • Requisitioned dealings
  • Your role in a dealing e.g. All (named as either a Primary Contact, Conveyancing Professional or both), PC (named as a Primary Contact) and Signing (named as a Conveyancing Professional).

You can also filter dealings by using the column filter function. Hover over the column header and select the three lines icon. This will bring up the filter panel. Select the down arrow at the end of the Contains row to bring up the filter options and then select the option you’d like to filter by.

Screenshot of sorting and filtering dealings

Sort dealings

You can sort the dealings by column. By default, dealings are listed based on the date they were created.

To sort by column, select the column header to sort low to high (up-arrow icon) or select it again for high to low (down-arrow icon). A dash in the column indicates no information has been entered.

Screenshot of sort dealings

Reorder columns

To change the order of the columns, select the column and drag and drop it to where you prefer it. Your column changes will be retained if you navigate away from the page. Note: You can't delete columns.

Screenshot of move column function

View dealing details

To view the details of a dealing, click anywhere on the dealing row, except on the dealing number. The Dealing Details panel will open. 

Screenshot of viewing dealings details panel
Screenshot of dealings details panel

Currently there is no print function for the Dealings Details panel. Continue doing this in Legacy Landonline; or use the standard print browser settings; or take a screenshot from the Dealings app and print this.

Use the Edit dealing button, to go to the dealing’s Instrument and Roles page.

To edit a specific instrument, select the instrument hyperlink to go to its Prepare Instrument page. Instrument hyperlinks are only available for instruments supported in New Landonline.

Use the three-dot icon at the end of the instrument row to locate more dealing or instrument related tasks and actions (e.g. Preview instrument, Prepare, Pre-validate, Certify & Sign, Release etc).

Click on another dealing row to view its details or use the X (located in the top right hand corner) to close the panel.

Screenshot of key features of dealings detail panel

Open a dealing

To open a dealing from the landing page, select the dealing number.

Use the three-dot icon at the end of the row to quickly navigate to a dealing task or action, such as Edit, Pre-validate Dealing, Certify & Sign, or Release. 

Screenshot of opening a dealing from the landing page

Exit a dealing

When you are ready to exit the dealing, select the back arrow next to the dealing number to unlock it and return to the Landing page. You can also unlock a dealing by logging out via the main menu.

exit a dealing

Regularly save your work because if your dealing has been inactive for 20 minutes, it will automatically unlock and become available for editing by others.

Last updated