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Using pending approval parcels data

Find out about our pending approval parcels data and who can access it.

The LINZ Data Service lets councils access cadastral parcel data that has been submitted to Toitū Te Whenua as part of a cadastral survey dataset, but has not yet been approved. 

Councils have access to information on possible cadastral boundary changes before they are formally approved by Toitū Te Whenua. This helps councils plan and manage addresses, resource consents and other land management processes.

Data access

This data is not confirmed, so these datasets can only be accessed councils and their approved contractors.

To access to this data, see our information on the LINZ Licence for Pending Approval Data.

Once parcels have been approved as to survey by Toitū Te Whenua, they can be found in the NZ Parcels dataset.

Data model

Three related datasets provide pending approval data:

Join these datasets for more information about the parcels pending approval, including the latest date the data was submitted to Toitū Te Whenua for approval.

These datasets have the same attributes and relationships as the official approved versions (NZ Parcels and NZ Survey Affected Parcels List). These are described in the Property and Ownership Simplified Data Dictionary.

Frequently asked questions

If the parcels progress to ‘approved’, do they keep the same ‘id’?

Except in the very rare case of an error, for the NZ Parcels Pending Approval Parcel dataset, the parcel ID (‘id’) will stay the same for any one plan that gets requisitioned/submitted several times.

Are pending parcel geometries subject to adjustments the same as a live parcel?

Pending parcels are subject to adjustments but this can only occur after the plan is approved as to survey.

Can I link pending parcels to titles? 

Current titles cannot be linked to pending parcels. However, as part of the capture process, new titles for new parcels are pre-allocated. They are then linked to the pending parcel by the surveyor in preparation of a dealing to register parcels.

Can pending parcels have associated statutory actions?

Pending parcels must be approved as to survey before they can have statutory actions recorded against them. Vestings are recorded against pending parcels when the parcel is created and are captured under the ‘parcel intent’ field, such as ‘vesting upon deposit for road’.

Can a parcel with a status of ‘approved as to survey’ have its status put back to ‘pending’?

This is extremely rare and is not recommended.

How does parcel data with a status of ‘pending’ approval relate to the council sub-division consenting process?

When a surveyor submits the cadastral survey dataset to Toitū Te Whenua for approval they can also send the data to the relevant council to support the 223 certification process (Section 223 of the Resource Management Act). As with the NZ Parcels Pending Approval dataset, this data provides the council with an indication of a possible change in cadastral boundary movement only. The data is subject to change before being ‘approved as to survey’, and is only suitable for consideration for council consenting purposes once it has been approved by Toitū Te Whenua.