• NZGD2000 Deformation Model Format

    This document describes the format used to publish the New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 (NZGD2000) deformation model.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Hydrographic Risk Assessment - Vanuatu

    This hydrographic risk assessment allows the Vanuatu Government, with the support of regional charting authorities, to come to a conclusion about the nature and scope of chart improvement surveys in Vanuatu. It provides recommendations and conclusions to…
    Research report
    • Marine information
  • Warkworth Observatory Local Tie Survey - 2012

    The purpose of the survey was to determine the relationship between the permanent GNSS CORS site (WARK 50243M001), the invariant reference points (IVP) of the 12 metre (7377 50243S001) and 30 metre (7391 50243S002), radio telescopes capable of Very Long…
    Research report
    • Survey
  • Darfield Earthquake Geodetic Investigations

    The 4 September 2010 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake resulted in up to 5 metres of lateral slip along the previously unknown Greendale Fault (Figure 1) and associated ground surface displacements of up to about 2.5 metres within the surrounding region (…
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Re-establishment of cadastral boundaries following the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes

    This paper describes the effects of the earthquakes on cadastral boundaries in the region. It then discusses the steps that are being taken to provide certainty in cadastral boundary reestablishment by surveyors.
    Research report
    • Survey
  • New Zealand Geodesy 2007-2010

    This report presents the geodetic activities in New Zealand (NZ) for the period 2007–2010. Presented at the 2011 IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne Australia.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Airborne Gravity for an Improved Vertical Datum

    This report identifies the accuracy requirements of current and future users of the datum. It then contrasts a number of options for enhancing NZVD2009 to meet these customer needs before recommending a preferred improvement approach.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • The New Zealand Geodetic System

    A series of articles on the New Zealand Geodetic System in Survey Quarterly.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Computation of a new gravimetric quasigeoid model for New Zealand

    This report describes the computation of NZGeoid09, a new gravimetric quasigeoid model for New Zealand, computed at the Western Australian Centre for Geodesy under contract #CON-SE-DSS-TS-45245-3 to Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Economic Issues Regarding LINZ Conversion of its Precision Reference Network to Real Time Status

    This paper considers the economic benefits that can be expected to arise from the upgrading of Land Information New Zealand’s (LINZ) network of Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) to Real Time status and the costs of making that network…
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Consultancy services for coordinates for PositioNZonLine, Phase 2

    In support of LINZ’s PositioNZonLine automated positioning service we have completed a set of work with three major aims.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • New Zealand Geodesy 2003-2006

    This report presents the geodetic activities in New Zealand for the period 2003–2006. Presented at the 2007 IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • New Zealand Vertical Datum 2004/05 Milestone 6b Completion Report

    The goal of the Vertical Datum Project is to produce a new nationally (and internationally) consistent height reference system for New Zealand. This work has been undertaken in conjunction with the Western Australian Centre for Geodesy at Curtin…
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Conversion between Latitude and Longitude and New Zealand Map Grid

    The New Zealand Map Grid (NZMG) is a projection that is used to convert latitudes and longitudes to easting and northing coordinates used for most mapping of New Zealand. The projection is unique to New Zealand.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Implementation of a Deformation Model for NZGD2000

    This document presents some of the options and issues associated with the implementation of a deformation model, and proposes a more advanced model that can be used.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • New Zealand Geodetic Operations 1999-2002

    This report has been compiled by the Surveyor-General, Land Information New Zealand, on behalf of the Geosciences Standing Committee of the Royal Society of New Zealand for the General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sapporo…
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Options for Automated Processing of GPS Continuous Tracking Data

    The Surveyor-General had a milestone (2j) to ‘investigate options for automated processing to monitor data from the GPS continuous tracking network by 31 March 2003’. This report addresses this milestone and considers future enhancements to the PositioNZ…
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • e-survey and Title in New Zealand

    The purpose of this paper is to present some perspectives on the transition of the survey industry from a largely paper based system, serving a fairly specific market and need, to one that has the potential to be a major contributor to mainstream society…
    Research report
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Reforms in the Regulation of Surveying in New Zealand

    The paper discusses the drivers and issues involved in the reforms of survey regulations, the risks analysed, the options considered and evaluated, the implementation of the changes, and expected outcomes.
    Research report
    • Survey
  • e-Cadastre – Automation of the New Zealand Survey System

    New Zealand has embarked on a programme that aims to make the cadastre electronic and deliver the benefits that arise from so doing.
    Research report
    • Survey
  • Preferred Option for Development of a National Vertical Reference System

    This paper presents the preferred option for a new vertical datum and geoid model in New Zealand.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • A Proposal for Vertical Datum Development in New Zealand

    This report looks at the options for vertical datum development in New Zealand.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Development of Transformation Parameters from NZGD49 to NZGD2000

    With the establishment of a new datum comes a need to transform coordinates from one datum to the other as only a small number of marks have been surveyed in terms of both datums.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • An Assessment of New Zealand's Height Systems and Options for a Future Height Datum

    This report examines height datum technologies and also looks at current international practice with respect to height datum issues. It presents some wider user perspectives before looking more specifically at the physical characteristics of New Zealand…
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Airborne Gravimetry: A Status Report

    This paper gives a status report on collecting gravity data by airborne methods, looking particularly at issues such as techniques, data densities, accuracies, and costs. The overall goal is one of assessing the applicability of this technique to the New…
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Realisation of Ross Sea Region Geodetic Datum 2000

    In November 2000 a new datum, Ross Sea Region Geodetic Datum 2000 (RSRGD2000) was realised for the Ross Island area of the Ross Sea Region of Antarctica. This report details the parameters for, and realisation of, RSRGD2000.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Options for a New Map Projection in New Zealand

    This report reviews the relative merits of retaining the NZMG or of changing to another projection.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Transformation Parameters from Chatham Islands 1979 to NZGD2000

    Land Information New Zealand has implemented a new national geodetic datum, New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 (NZGD2000). NZGD2000 replaces Chatham Islands 1979 datum and New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 (NZGD49).
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Realisation of the New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000

    This report focuses on how the Zero and First Order NZGD2000 coordinates were computed but also outlines the GPS data collected, the processing of the GPS data, the computation of the velocity model and the adjustment of the lower order stations (e.g.…
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Proposal for Continuous Access to the NZ Spatial Infrastructure

    This report discusses LINZ plans to update its requirements for providing access to the New Zealand spatial infrastructure.
    Research report
    • Geodetic
  • Cadastre 2014 Reforms in New Zealand

    This paper discusses the various reforms impacting on the NZ Cadastral survey system. Recent and proposed initiatives to develop the cadastre to meet growing needs for more effective land processes and land information are identified.
    Research report
    • Survey
  • New Zealand Geodetic Operations 1995-98

    This report has been compiled by the Surveyor-General, Land Information New Zealand, on behalf of the Geosciences Standing Committee of the Royal Society of New Zealand for the General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics,…
    Research report
    • Geodetic