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Overseas investment
Apply for consent, variation or exemption
Application forms and information sheets
Exemptions from the need for consent
Exemptions from the need for consent
Find out when an exemption from the requirements for consent may be available.
Overview of the exemptions framework
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In this section
I roto i tēnei wāhanga
Discretionary exemptions
Find out about the discretion to grant an exemption from the need for consent to invest in New Zealand, or from the definition of overseas person, associate or associated land.
Exemption certificates for large residential developments
If you are an apartment developer you can get an exemption certificate that allows an overseas person to buy an apartment as an investment without consent, before construction is complete.
Exemption from definition of non-New Zealand government investor
Find out about the discretion to grant an exemption for an entity or entities from the definition of non-New Zealand government investor.
Exemption from farm land advertising requirements
When you can apply for an exemption from farm land advertising requirements.
Exemptions in the Regulations
Find out about the transactions exempted from the need for consent.
Registers of exemptions
Registers of exemption certificates for large residential development, transitional exemption certificates for large residential development, discretionary exemptions, and exemptions from the definition of non-New Zealand government investor.
Buying residential property to live in
Apply for consent, variation or exemption
Before you apply
Application forms and information sheets
Exemptions from the need for consent
Discretionary exemptions
Exemption certificates for large residential developments
Exemption from definition of non-NZ government investor
Exemption from farm land advertising requirements
Exemptions in the Regulations
Registers of exemptions
Variations to consent or conditions
Apply for retrospective consent
How we assess your application
Declining an application
Comply with the conditions of your consent
Fees and penalties
Notify us of your transaction
Overseas investment factsheets
Overseas investment glossary
Overseas investment tests
Selling to an overseas person
Ways to invest
Who needs consent to invest
Legislation, ministers and delegated powers
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