Millbrook Country Club Limited
Case number(s)
Decision date
DecisionConsent granted
Section 12(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005
Decision date14 November 2014
InvestmentAn overseas investment in sensitive land, being the Applicant's acquisition of a freehold interest in approximately 66.8661 hectares of land at 902 Malaghans Road, Queenstown.
ApplicantMillbrook Country Club Limited
Gota Ishii, Japan (76.05%)
Bonny Corporation, Japan (14.68%)
Millbrook Partners Japan, Japan (9.27%)
VendorPhilippa Anne Macauley (1/4 share), Ian Gordon Macauley (1/4 share), the Trustees of the Dalgleish Farm Trust Number 1 (1/4 share) and the Trustees of the Dalgleish Farm Trust Number 2 (1/4 share)
The Trustees of the Dalgleish Farm Trust Number 1, New Zealand (25.0%)
The Trustees of the Dalgleish Farm Trust Number 2, New Zealand (25.0%)
Philippa Anne Macauley, New Zealand (25.0%)
Ian Gordon Macauley, New Zealand (25.0%

The Applicant is acquiring the land to extend the Millbrook Resort.  The land will be developed into a residential subdivision and will provide the possibility to create additional holes for the resort’s golf course.

The overseas investment transaction has satisfied the criteria in section 16 of the Overseas Investment Act 2005. The 'substantial and identifiable benefit to New Zealand' criteria were satisfied by particular reference to the following factors:

Overseas Investment Act 2005
17(2)(a)(i) – Jobs
17(2)(a)(iii) – Increased export receipts
17(2)(f) – Offer to sell riverbed to the Crown

Overseas Investment Regulations 2005
28(e) – Previous investments
28(g) – Enhance the viability of other investments

More informationJamie Nunns
Morrison Kent
PO Box 10035
The Terrace