Yellow Holdings Limited
Case number(s)
Decision date
DecisionConsent granted
Section 13(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005
Decision date23 June 2015

An overseas investment in significant business assets, being the Applicant's acquisition of rights or interests in:

  • 100% of the shares of NZ Directories IP Limited; and
  • 100% of the shares of Yellow Pages Group Limited,

the consideration of which exceeds $100m.

ApplicantYellow Holdings Limited
United States of America (61.0775%)
Cayman Islands (19.11%)
Hong Kong (SAR) (6.85%)
Australia (5.6%)
China, People's Republic of (4.99%)
Other (2.3725%)
VendorNZ Directories Finance Limited
United States of America (60.4738%)
Cayman Islands (19.095%)
Hong Kong (SAR) (6.1%)
Australia (5.6%)
China, People's Republic of (4.99%)
Other (3.7412%)

The Investment relates to the Yellow Pages group debt restructure which will convert ownership of debt to debt and equity.

The Applicant is a special purpose company incorporated for the purpose of the restructure and owned by the creditors of the Yellow Pages group. As part of the restructure the Applicant will acquire the Investment being the shares in Yellow Pages Group Limited and NZ Directories IP Limited.

Changes to the beneficial ownership of Yellow Pages Group Limited and NZ Directories IP Limited as a result of the Investment will be minor.

The overseas investment transaction has satisfied the criteria in section 18 of the Overseas Investment Act 2005.

More informationToby Sharpe
Bell Gully
PO Box 4199
Auckland 1140