- New UniPrint client available for download
- Pre-set instrument lists for e-dealings based on common transactions
- Completion of A&I forms and nominations
- Compliance requirements for ANZ discharge authorities received via SOLD
- Extra Protection for PRMs
- Mark Linking
- Seeking your feedback: A 10–20 Year Strategy for Developing the Cadastre
- Amended Rules for Cadastral Survey
- CSD Fee problem in Landonline
Landwrap October 2012 - Issue 93
New UniPrint client available for download
In the August 2012 edition of Landwrap, we advised of an intermittent issue where some customers had reported errors when printing some Landonline search products direct from the Search screen. Some of the printed search products were missing part of the product.
August 2012 edition (//www.linz.govt.nz/about-landonline/newsletter/landwrap/201208#6818)
This seemed to be occurring at times for users who had UniPrint Preview selected.
A new version of UniPrint is now available for download from the Landonline website. Go to software-downloads (//www.linz.govt.nz/system-support/software-downloads) and follow the instructions on downloading the new UniPrint client from there based on which operating system you have:
- Software Downloads -Windows 7 32 or 64 bit (Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate only), Windows Vista 32 or 64 bit (Business and Ultimate only)
- Windows XP, Windows 7 32 or 64 bit
Please note it is not necessary to uninstall any Landonline software other than UniPrint 4.0 before you install the new UniPrint client. We have not been able to replicate the intermittent issue with this new version, so we can’t con
Please note it is not necessary to uninstall any Landonline software other than UniPrint 4.0 before you install the new UniPrint client.
We have not been able to replicate the intermittent issue with this new version, so we can’t confirm that it addresses the original issue. We do however strongly recommend that you upgrade to this later version so that you are running supported software.
If upgrading to the later version does not resolve the issue for you, then please follow the steps set out in the common known-issues (//www.linz.govt.nz/landonline-system-updates/known-issues/common-known-issues) section.
Pre-set instrument lists for e-dealings based on common transactions
When creating an e-dealing, practitioners can use pre-set instrument lists for common transaction types to add instruments to the dealing.
LINZ had identified a number of common transactions that, when selected, automatically retrieve the most likely instruments that would be required for the dealing. The practitioner can then select which of those instruments he or she requires for the dealing, and add any other instruments that are required.
To access this function:
- Use the Select Inst… button in the Create Dealing screen to open the Search Instrument Type screen.
- Use the Select Transaction type d to select the transaction that most closely matches the dealing you wish to create.
- For example the transaction called "Cross Lease Subdivision" retrieves the following instruments: C224, DM, SL, L, CONO, M.
LINZ has recently expanded the transactions list. The transactions list now includes the following:
- Fee Simple Subdivision
- Cross Lease Subdivision
- Complex Boundary Adjustment
- Subdivision Creating Esplanade Strip
- Subdivision Including an Amalgamation Covenant
- Subdivision Including Amalgamation Condition
- Unit Titles Act 2010 Subdivision
- Unit Titles Act 2010 Layered Development
- Unit Titles Act 2010 Staged Development
- Redevelopment under s 65 Unit Titles Act 2010
- Redevelopment under s 68 Unit Titles Act 2010
- Cancellation of Unit Plans under s 177 Unit Titles Act 2010.
Although most of the transaction lists will include C223 and C224 instruments, those instruments are not required if
they have been submitted with the cadastral survey dataset (see Landwrap September 2012 (//www.linz.govt.nz/aboutlandonline/
newsletter/landwrap/201209/edealing#6838) ).
Completion of A&I forms and nominations
The completed authority and instruction (A&I) form is the practitioner’s evidence of authority to act on behalf of the client and implement the e-dealing.
It’s very important that the A&I form is fully completed with all dates and names in full, and details of documents properly recorded before execution by the client.
Compliance trends have shown that errors or omissions can occur when preparing the vendor A&I form (eg the name of the other party to the transfer, the purchaser, is left blank or is captured incorrectly). A common cause for this is that the agreement for sale and purchase lists the name of the purchaser ‘and/or nominated agent’ or ‘and/or nominee’ and the vendor’s practitioner is unsure who will ultimately be the purchaser.
The vendor’s A&I form must record the name of the purchaser and should include the words ‘and/or nominee’ if a nomination may occur. If a nomination then takes place, practitioners must retain a clear paper trail evidencing that the nomination has occurred, for example a copy of the notice of sale, along with the A&I form.
Audits have also shown that title references and easement details are sometimes omitted or shown incorrectly in A&I forms. Care should be taken during the e-dealing preparation, certify, and sign stages to ensure client authorities are in order.
Errors of this nature cause rework for the both the conveyancing m and the client when these issues are identified upon audit and the A&I forms need to be amended and initialled.
Compliance requirements for ANZ discharge authorities received via SOLD
Practitioners are reminded to retain ANZ’s covering email when receiving discharge authorities via their SOLD service.
ANZ’s email to practitioners contains the name and title of the ANZ representative authorized to provide instructions, and therefore authenticates the accompanying letter of instruction authorising the mortgage discharge.
For this reason, to comply with LINZ e-dealing documentary evidence requirements (attachment below), both the email and the attached letter of instruction must be retained.
If a transaction authorised in this manner is selected by LINZ for audit purposes, both the letter of instruction and covering email must be made available to the Registrar-General of Land as provided in section 164C of the Land Transfer Act 1952.
File Attachments
Registrar-General of Land e-dealing Compliance Review
Extra Protection for PRMs
LINZ is aware that many important survey marks are being disturbed, damaged or destroyed simply because the public are unaware of them. Marks below ground level are most at risk as they are practically invisible.
The Rules for Cadastral Survey 2010 require at least two marks on each CSD establishing new boundaries, are identid as a Permanent Reference Marks (PRMs). One of the requirements of a PRM is that it be placed so that it is can reasonably be expected to last at least 50 years.
To improve the potential longevity of the PRMs, LINZ is oering to cover the cost of the purchase and supply of plastic Survey Mark boxes and covers, which can be installed over these valuable marks.
The box and cover sets are 230mm x 265mm x 150mm and made of durable UV resistant, high impact, black plastic. The text “Survey Mark” is imprinted on the lid. These are very similar to products currently used by utility companies and Territorial Authorities to cover underground services such as water tobies.
These plastic boxes (valued at approximately $25 each) are a fraction of the cost of the historical cast iron products (valued at approximately $250 each), but still oer a similar degree of protection as they indicate something important is buried below. Please note, plastic box and covers should never be installed on the roadway or in other high volume areas.
Surveyors wanting to order the free survey mark covers are asked to contact LINZ’s distributor, Mark Dunnett at Survey Services on 06 844 4354 or mark@surveyhb.co.nz
For any additional information please contact LINZ at customersupport@linz.govt.nz with "Geodetic -Survey mark covers" in the subject line.
Mark Linking
All captured survey marks and boundary points must be correctly linked to the same existing marks already recorded in Landonline. Correct linking also ensures the adjustment reports and automatic business rules run correctly at validation.
For the last 18 months, there has been a resubmission fee waiver in place for the linking of marks. Where less than e marks were not linked, or mislinked, and that was the only requisition, the re-submission fee was waived. From the 1 November, this waiver will cease to apply.
Landonline pre-validation will only report some non-boundary marks that have been mislinked.
To ensure linking is correct for all survey marks and boundary points, a manual check of mark linking is required. This can be achieved by turning on the Underlying Marks layer and moving this layer to the top of the Current Layers list. The spatial window will display the existing marks (orange circle) on top of the new marks. A visual check can be performed to conm mark linking as a blue box will appear around correctly linked marks.
Care must be taken for boundary marks that are disturbed or renewed. Mark linking for these must be completed in the Mark Reliability Details area of the Mark Details screen for each mark. If you have any questions about this process please contact Customer Support on 0800 ONLINE (0800 665 463)
Seeking your feedback: A 10–20 Year Strategy for Developing the Cadastre
The Surveyor-General has released a consultation document:
A 10–20 Year Strategy for Developing the Cadastre: Knowing the extent of land-related rights.
The consultation document promotes a vision of a cadastral system that would extend well beyond the current survey system managed by LINZ. It encompasses the location and extent of land-related rights, restrictions, and responsibilities administered by other central and local government stakeholders.
The vision is that the information in such a broadened cadastre will be readily accessible and that people will have cone in the spatial extent of all the various rights, restrictions and responsibilities. This information would be made available via real time channels in both two and three dimensional forms, and would not necessarily be provided by LINZ.
The consultation document is the first step on the journey to achieving this vision.
Feedback can be made online through the Cadastral Strategy Forum (http://www.feedbackforum.linz.govt.nz/) . Formal
submissions are also welcome and close on Friday 30 November 2012.
You can find out more and obtain a copy of the consultation document on the LINZ Website (//www.linz.govt.nz/aboutlinz/
Amended Rules for Cadastral Survey
The amended Rules for Cadastral Survey 2010 have been d and will be gazetted on 1 November 2012. The amendments will come into effect on 1 January 2013.
In early November LINZ will email all e-survey users with more information and a link to the amended Rules on the LINZ website. A printed copy will also be sent to each licensed cadastral surveyor.
A guide to assist in the interpretation of the changes to the Rules will be available in early December.
CSD Fee problem in Landonline
Since the implementation of the 'Return Survey Dataset' e-request for surveyors, some incorrect fees have been charged where this e-request has been used.
When a dataset’s return is requested using this e-request, and no work has been completed by LINZ, fees are being recharged when the dataset is submitted a second time.
An investigation into this issue has been completed, and all the incorrectly charged fees have been identified and refunded.
Until the matter is resolved, LINZ will continue to identify the datasets that have been incorrectly charged and automatically refund the fees. We apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused and hope to have a solution for the issue soon.