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Land registration, Landonline
  • Viewing notices in workspace
  • Requests to process a transaction with urgency
  • Entering Multiple Mortgagee Names
  • Diagram requirements for Private Drain Certificates (s461 Local Government Act 1974)
  • Getting adopted vectors correct
  • Interpreting the amended Rules for Cadastral Survey
  • Extension of consultation period on the Strategy for Developing the Cadastre
  • Capture of connections to water or irregular boundaries

Viewing notices in workspace

LINZ is sometimes contacted by customers who are unaware that most Landonline notices are also available as “online messages” in Landonline workspace.

By default all Landonline users are set up to receive both an online and an email message for those notice types where an online message is an option. These online messages can be used as an alternative to relying on an emailed notice.

To view your online messages select the ‘My Messages’ folder which will take you to the ‘Messages Received’ tab. This displays a list of messages sent to you about transactions. There are a number of di erent messages that appear depending on the type of user – Titles, Survey, TA. Some of these messages are information only messages whereas others have attachments. These attachments can be the notice associated to the transaction.

The Messages Received tab has two areas:

  • The top area of the Messages Received tab lists all messages.
  • The Details area displays the contents of the message, and the associated attachments which can be viewed and saved.

You are able to filter messages by type using the drop down list available at the top of the tab page.

When a message has an attachment a paperclip icon displays with the Message in the Messages Received list.

In the screen shot above there are 2 messages relating to Dealing 9248263.

The first row displays a paper clip icon indicating there is an attachment. The 2nd row is a message advising the dealing has been registered.

When you select a message from the list with the paper clip icon, the attachment in the Details section becomes active. If you then click the View button the notice for that transaction will then display.

Although the example screen shots relate to dealings, surveyors and TA users have the same functionality.

Receiving online messages for notices is a preference option that is set to ‘on’ when you first use Landonline, however some people have chosen to turn this setting off.

Each person in a firm is able to check and set their own notice preferences. This means you can make sure that you are set up to receive an online message (where available) for each respective notice type in addition to the emailed notice. To set your preferences for Notices, open the Notices icon in Workspace and select Notice/Preference from the menu to open the Preferences screen and make the appropriate changes.

You can also view your notices and all other notices for your firm using the Notices Icon in the Workspace Tool bar.

For more information about how to change your preference settings or to search Notices using the Notices icon check out the user guide (//

Requests to process a transaction with urgency

Requests for a dealing to be processed urgently must be made in writing. (/kb/210) This can be done by post or fax, or by e-mailing ( , but the best way to do this is to submit an electronic request via Landonline. If you use the Request type "Titles_Request for Urgency", your request will work ow directly to the sta member processing your dealing.

Urgency applications are assessed on a case by case basis and must include the reasons for your request.

LINZ will continue to offer urgency for any transactions that are outside the performance standard timeframe (10 working days from date of lodgement). However, urgency will not normally be approved for transactions that are within the current target timeframes as granting urgency for ‘current’ work would unfairly disadvantage work that was lodged earlier.

Entering Multiple Mortgagee Names

When entering multiple mortgagee names, the general rules in relation mortgages apply. However there are a couple of additional things to remember.

See Guidelines for entering Mortgagee Names (//

Additional things to remember:

  1. Each mortgagee name must be entered on a separate row.
  2. Do not use commas, ampersands (the ‘&’ symbol) or the word “and” unless these form part of the mortgagee’s legal name.
  3. If you attempt to enter multiple names on the same line using a comma or the word “and”, the system will display a warning message. If a warning message displays, check the name entered is the legal name and that multiple names have not been entered on the same row

Diagram requirements for Private Drain Certificates (s461 Local Government Act 1974)

Section 461(1) of the Local Government Act 1974 states that a Private Drain Certificate is to be lodged together with such plans (if any) as the District Land Registrar (now the Registrar-General of Land/RGL) requires.

The RGL requires a private drain to be graphically depicted either:

  1. On a plan capable of deposit under s167 of the Land Transfer Act 1952; or
  2. On a diagram by a licensed cadastral surveyor that is fully dimensioned and depicts the relationship between the drain and the boundaries of the affected parcels.

This will ensure the private drain is accurately recorded on the Land Transfer Register to the same standard as other interests such as easements.

Getting adopted vectors correct

The requisition item for ‘Adopted Information does not match source’ (M19C) has consistently featured in the Top 10 Requisitions.

The Rules require adopted information to be copied without change [Rule 8.4 Adopted information to match source]. Copying information from Landonline may not meet this requirement.

The pre-validation report gives warnings (C445, C455 and C483) where captured vectors do not match the latest vectors held in Landonline. These tests will not validate an adoption where Landonline does not already hold a vector and will not test correctly when the Landonline vector has been incorrectly captured.

The survey report must include an assessment of any warnings reported at pre-validation and actions taken to address them.

The source used for adoptions should be the CSD that measured or calculated the information being adopted, rather than a CSD that merely adopted it from a previous CSD.

When adopting a bearing that has had a correction applied to it, some surveyors may choose to adopt from the earlier CSD and apply a bearing correction, while others may choose to adopt from the later CSD that made the correction. Both of these scenarios are acceptable providing the vector is adopted without change and the correct adopted source is referenced.

If the pre-validation report shows a warning, the Cadastral Vectors layer can be used to determined which CSDs have previously captured that vector. To do this, activate the Cadastral Vectors layer in the spatial view [found under ‘Vectors’ in the ‘All Layers’ tab]. Select the vector that you wish to interrogate, drag and drop it into the tree on the left hand side. You can then double click on the vector in the tree to see the history recorded in Landonline. This will show which CSDs have used the vector, the values they used and the horizontal projection of the bearings.

Interpreting the amended Rules for Cadastral Survey

The amended Rules for Cadastral Survey 2010 (LINZS65003) come into effect 1 January 2013. CSDs lodged or re-lodged after this date are expected to be in terms of the amended Rules.

LINZ has now published the ‘Interim guide to the amended Rules for Cadastral Survey 2010 (LINZG65704)’ to assist in the correct interpretation of the significant changes in the amended Rules.

The Interim Guide can be viewed or downloaded from the Rules for Cadastral Survey page on the LINZ website. The Interim Guide supplements or supersedes some of the information in the Cadastral survey 2010 (LINZG65700) Interpretation guide to the Rules for Cadastral Survey (// . The Interim Guide will be integrated into the Interpretation Guide at a later stage.

A printed copy of the amended Rules was mailed to all licensed cadastral surveyors early in November. As previously advised by an email to all Landonline e-survey users on 6 November 2012, the amended Rules and a document outlining the significant changes to the Rules can also be obtained from the Rules for Cadastral Survey web page (//

Extension of consultation period on the Strategy for Developing the Cadastre

The consultation period for the 10-20 Year Strategy for Developing the Cadastre has been extended to Friday 14 December.

10-20 Year Strategy for Developing the Cadastre (//

Some people have made comments online via the Cadastral Strategy Forum ( . Anyone can read these comments, and anyone can post additional comments by the closing date by simply registering.

Submissions to date have come from a wide range of organisations and have on the whole strongly welcomed the development of a Strategy. They reflect a high level of interest in the proposals, and in some cases their extension, and raise many issues, both broad and detailed. 

Capture of connections to water or irregular boundaries

A water boundary or irregular boundary in Landonline is recorded as an irregular line (a series of coordinated vertices) between two end points (nodes).

Some surveyors are capturing ties to intermediate points along water or irregular boundaries in their CSDs. Although survey work may have been undertaken to x points along these boundaries, these intermediate points are not required to be captured in a CSD. Neither the Rules nor Landonline require them.

In some cases, especially in non-SDC areas, the underlying water or irregular boundary depicted in Landonline will be inaccurate. Adopting such a boundary in a new CSD may require capture (digitisation) from an existing plan. It may involve the capture of ties or o sets to intermediate points. Once again, while these ties may be valuable for the accurate adoption of the boundary, they do not need to be included in the CSD.

In both cases, the new and more accurate irregular boundary lines will replace the lines that are in Landonline when the CSD is registered. Before linking in a non-SDC area, surveyors may need to invoke the exception process to better position any inaccurate Landonline nodes.

Capturing two vectors to each end point of the irregular line will be sufficient to enable the boundary to be accurately depicted on the Diagram of Survey [to comply with rules 9.6.7 & 9.6.8] and the Diagram of Parcels [to comply with rules 10.4.2(d), 10.4.5 & 10.4.6], as well as in Landonline.

If, however, connections to intermediate boundary points are captured in the CSD, those intermediate points need to have a minimum of two vectors connected to them [rules 8.1(d) and (e)]. One way of achieving this is by calculating vectors between adjacent points. In addition, separate irregular boundary lines should be created between adjacent intermediate points, rather than having a single line that passes over them.

Future surveyors will be able to re-establish the position of these boundaries using the positions of the end points (as de ned by the vectors) and the irregular line recorded between those points. This irregular line data can be obtained by loading a LandXML le extracted from Landonline into surveying software. Only data that is reliably defined in an e-survey can be confidently used in this manner.

Surveyors can include additional details of the survey fixes to water boundaries in a supporting document if they wish. The survey report should include details of the accuracy of water boundaries or irregular boundaries and the method used to define them [refer to rules 8.2(a)(iv) & (xii), and 3.4].

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