Consultation date start
Consultation date end

The Department of Conservation - Te Papa Atawhai (DOC) and Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) are asking for your feedback on the proposed topic of our Long-term Insights Briefing.

How can innovation in the way we use information and emerging technology help biodiversity thrive?

Your input will help us make sure we understand the challenges and opportunities around the innovative use of information and emerging technology to achieve a thriving biodiversity.

What is being proposed

We would like to hear your views on where you see big opportunities and risks for the future of biodiversity, and how we can innovate, both socially and technologically to help biodiversity thrive.

To help shape the conversation, we propose to focus on two areas that have the potential to be particularly transformative:

  • New and improved information
  • The use of biotechnology for conservation

In the consultation document, we summarise what is currently happening with information and biotechnology for biodiversity work, and outline some of the key areas of potential and future change.

Your responses will help shape the scope of a Long-term Insights Briefing.

Long-term Insights Briefings are a new requirement for agencies under the Public Service Act 2020, designed to look at future challenges and opportunities for New Zealand.

Public Service Act 2020

Your submission may be released publicly

Once we receive your submission it becomes a public record and can be released under Official Information Act requests.

Your contact details will not be released without your consent. 

Official Information Act 1982 - NZ Legislation

What happens next

We will formally seek feedback in 2 stages as we develop the briefing. In this first consultation we are seeking feedback on the subject, scope and focus of the Long-term Insights Briefing. Submissions will help us make a start on the draft of the briefing.

In mid-2022, we will consult again on the draft briefing itself. Then we will present the finalised paper to the House of Representatives by late 2022.

A summary of the submissions and a formal response will be made available after each consultation closes.


If you have any questions, contact us.
