When is Landonline available?

Landonline is available seven days a week, including most public holidays.*

Monday to Friday: 6am to 10pm
Saturday: 6am to 7pm
Sunday: 6am to 7pm

Planned outages, sometimes required for system maintenance purposes, will be notified on this page and by direct email to registered users.

Current processing times

Survey and Title processing times guidance

Our indicative processing times are reviewed at the beginning of each week. 



Routine datasets:
6 – 10 working days

Complex datasets:
16 – 24 working days

We prioritise plans linked to a lodged dealing transaction. Plans and dealings don’t need to be lodged at the same time, they are automatically identified as being linked upon lodgement. Complex plans take longer to process than routine plans, whether linked to a dealing or not.


Non New Title dealings:
7 – 13 working days

New Title dealings:
15 – 20 working days

Adverse Possession, Accretion, Extinguishment of easements and other similar work that require advertising and/or notice periods will not fit within the timeframes above. When these types of transactions are lodged, we will email you with further information.


Urgency requests

All urgency requests are now submitted through Landonline. 

To do this, submit a ‘Request for urgency’ via Landonline. We will endeavour to respond with an outcome on all urgency requests within 1 to 2 business days. 

For more information see:
Survey requests for urgency
Titles requests for urgency

Hours of lodgement

Title dealings

Dealings can only be submitted between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Friday. Dealings cannot be submitted on weekends or public holidays. 

A warning banner will display if you are on the Submit page and there is 10 minutes or less left to submit your dealing for the day.


Cadastral survey datasets

Submit any time during Landonline hours


Support hours

Monday to Thursday: 8am to 5pm

Friday: 8am to 12pm then 1pm to 5pm

Every Friday, the contact centre is unavailable from midday to 1pm. Please call back after 1pm or use the call back function.