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Land registration, Landonline

Tēnā koe,

Welcome to the first issue of Landwrap for 2025. As we get closer to switching off Legacy Landonline, emails from us will cover important information about your switch-off date. We encourage you to check that is in your email address book to help make sure the emails make it to your inbox.

Legacy Landonline switching off soon

Over the last 6 months, more of the functionality needed to complete your work has been transitioned onto New Landonline.  

Surveyors have been using New Landonline exclusively to complete their capture work since November 2022, and Sign and Submit since October 2024.  

Plan generation has recently been released to Pilot Users and is targeted to be available for all surveyors by late March. Once you have access to the New Landonline - plan generation application, you can use it to: draft new plans, or continue drafting plans you have already started in legacy Landonline.

Our legal professionals and conveyancers have been using the new system to complete their settlement day activities (certify and sign, release and submit) since September 2023. The final instrument and some additional functionalities are due to be available in New Landonline by the end of February. This puts us on track to move all our Dealings customers’ work onto New Landonline.  

The plan is to gradually switch off Legacy Landonline for our customer groups over the next couple of months as follows:  

  • Search only firms 19 February 2025
  • Territorial Authorities and Councils 25 February 2025
  • Dealings firms (legal and conveyancing) between 3 to 12 March 2025
  • Survey firms from late April 2025.  

Keep an eye on your inbox as we’ve begun communications on your intended switch off date. You’ll also receive a final reminder prior to your switch off.  

For more information on the remaining pieces of functionality to be migrated to New Landonline, see:   
Coming soon to New Landonline 

New Landonline benefits survey results

Our first New Landonline benefits survey results for 2025 are in. This survey helps us capture timely feedback on how new Landonline is delivering benefits compared to Legacy. This is part of the ongoing review of the development; to deliver productivity gains, customer satisfaction and reduce risk to business continuity.  

Once again we went out to a random selection of Dealings, Web Search, Survey and Territorial Authority users from January 27th 2025 for one week. Response rates were strong and we received 556 responses, a very robust number to gain insights from.

Some key findings 

  • 91% of respondents said they are just as, or more productive using new Landonline compared to Legacy
  • 14% of respondents reported “a large increase in productivity” when completing tasks in New Landonline, compared to Legacy.  

As functionality is increasingly being found in New Landonline it is fantastic to see the positive impacts of a modern interface making life easier, and work being done more efficiently.

What are the main drivers of this productivity increase/decrease  

We added an additional question into this survey to dive deeper into the reasons behind productivity changes users are experiencing.  

Question: “What are the main drivers of this productivity increase?

  • Survey users:  improved function of the system, the easier interface, increased speed and efficiency, and the advantages that come with a web-based application.
  • Dealings users: better search capability, the system being easier to use, more efficient document generation, and better error handling.
  • Web Search users: increased speed and efficiency, easier to use, and more content available.

All users:  

The smaller percentage of users who experienced a productivity decrease reported: learning a new system, re-entering credentials, swapping between two systems and some specific functional/technical/performance issues.

The end is in sight!  

We have one final New Landonline benefits survey following final switch-off of Legacy Landonline. Thanks to everyone for their feedback.

Landonline Terms and Conditions

We're updating the Landonline Terms and Conditions to keep them relevant and in line with the modernisation of Landonline.

Key changes:

  1. Eligibility clarification: We're clarifying who can access and use the different Landonline services.
  2. Trusted Contact requirements: Our proposal is that the Trusted Contact must be an Individual user to ensure proper identity verification. Existing Trusted Contacts, who aren't Individual users won't be charged for signing up retrospectively, and there will be no extra costs where accounts already exist.
  3. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): MFA will now provide the required second-factor authentication in New Landonline.
  4. Digital Certificate requirements: Digital Certificates will only be needed for signing in New Landonline. For an interim period starting 18 March 2025, Individual users needing access to Legacy Landonline (e.g., Survey users) will still require a Digital Certificate.
  5. System manager responsibilities: Changes reflect the altered functionality in Landonline.

The new Landonline Terms and Conditions are intended to take effect on 18 March 2025.

An email will be sent to all Landonline Account Holders early next week.

For more details, and to see a detailed summary of changes see:
Landonline Terms and Conditions

New Landonline Dealings releases

Increase in PDF size limits when attaching images to instruments

We’ve increased the maximum file size limits when attaching PDFs to your dealing instruments.

The new file size limits are:

  • individual PDFs cannot exceed 45 MB in size. 
  • all PDFs combined cannot exceed 45 MB total.

Tax statement PDFs reduced in size

We heard from a few of you that whilst the refreshed look and feel of the tax statements are great, but the file sizes are too large when emailing out to your clients. We’ve therefore reduced the file sizes for both the full and short form tax statements, which are now 1.5MB each (previously they were 5MB).

Enter multiple title references into the Add titles field

You can now enter more than one title reference into the Add titles field when adding a new instrument to a dealing. You can type each title reference directly into the field or copy and paste the relevant titles from a search in Web Search or another source, such as a spreadsheet. This functionality compares to Legacy Landonline’s option to undertake a search to populate a list of affected titles for a draft instrument.

Prepare a Memorandum of Priority instrument

On 17 February, we will add the final instrument to New Landonline, being the Memorandum of Priority instrument. We’ve updated the user experience and made it easier for you to set out the new priorities by dragging and dropping the affected instruments into their new priority order. We’ve also made it easier to deal with complex or specific priority combinations by grouping titles with the same existing priority rankings.

Drag and drop to reorder your instruments

We’ve received feedback that it can be quite cumbersome to reorder your dealing instruments. We’ve therefore added the ability to drag and drop instruments into a new order.

For more information about the above releases:
What’s new in Dealings

New Landonline Web Search releases

Keep an eye out in Web Search for the following new functionality:

Wildcard searching by registered owner

You will be able to use wildcards to help when searching for a title by a registered owner (individual or corporate names).

When searching using wildcards:

  • an asterisk can be used to represent any number of missing characters in a search
  • a question mark can be used to represent 1 missing character in your search

Supporting documents

You will be able to view, download and email supporting documents for Titles, Current Instruments and Historical Instruments from the summary panel.

For more information about the above releases:
What’s new in Web Search

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